The Political Science faculty modified existing departmental, undergraduate student learning outcomes (SLOs), which informed assessment development and curricular improvement. Using informal appraisal by individual faculty of student performance at the senior capstone level, the undergraduate curriculum committee found that students’ writing skills need to be addressed in a more cohesive and purposeful way in the curriculum. A 200-level writing politics course was designed to address the gap. In short, the discussions around the learning outcomes revision resulted in faculty collaboration in assessment-driven curricular improvement. These discussions and innovations are part of a two-year plan to improve program assessment in the department. By Noe Goodyear
Recommended Citation:
Goodyear, N. (2014, April). Learning Outcome Driven Curricular Improvement – An Example from Political Science. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.