data analysis

Making Sense of Assessment Data

This workshop talks about how to use meaningful questions to guide data analysis. PowerPoint and notes Handout  Workshop …

Using Excel’s Pivot Table to Analyze Learning-Assessment Data

This workshop looks at how Excel’s Pivot Table can help. PowerPoint and Handout Excel data file Workshop Evaluation …

Basic Techniques in Using Excel to Analyze Assessment Data

In this workshop you will learn basic techniques to enter data into Excel; check for data-entry errors; summarize …

Analyzing Open-Ended Survey Responses – Where to start?

In this workshop you will learn how to carry out a preliminary analysis of open-ended survey responses; how …

Data, Now What?

This workshop introduces basic methods of summarizing data and provides tips on effectively sharing results so your program …

The M.Ed. program in Special Education is an interdisciplinary program that includes core courses and electives. The core courses include two special education content related courses and three research courses. The elective courses are aligned with the emphasis area identified by each M.Ed. candidate. Faculty have been extremely supportive in working together to identify student learning outcomes that are aligned with the specialized standards established by experts in the field of Special Education (e.g. the Council for Exceptional Children). Collecting data and inputting data into the College of Education data system, Student Information System, has also been a relatively smooth process. Data analysis of courses and the program has been challenging for course instructors and program faculty prior to the Department’s adoption of a data analysis and reflection process. In Fall 2013 we developed a data analysis and reflection process that was used by the instructors of each core course. We also developed a process for analyzing and reflecting on program data. These processes have been extremely successful in facilitating discussions and analyzes that have resulted in program improvement based on data. This poster session will provide information regarding the Department’s data analysis and reflection processes we now use to facilitate decision-making regarding the Special Education M.Ed. program. We will include the guiding questions and forms we use to facilitate analysis and reflection on individual courses and on the program. Other graduate programs may find our process useful.

IA Process for Facilitating Program Improvement: Is There a Data Analysis Process That’s Faculty Friendly?

The M.Ed. program in Special Education is an interdisciplinary program that includes core courses and electives. The core …

The student-athlete experience at the University of Hawai‘i is unique! One significant challenge for our student-athletes is traveling more than 2,500 miles with each trip to a competition. The distance extends the time away from class and places additional pressure on student-athlete academic performance. A significant goal of our strategic plan is “To provide each student-athlete with the best possible opportunities for academic success, leading to graduation.” We use the National Collegiate Athletics Association’s (NCAA) Academic Progress Rate and Graduation Success Rate to assess the academic success, retention, and progress toward graduation of our student-athletes. Data assessment has led to the implementation of policies and strategies to enhance student-athlete academic performance, retention and graduation and a system has been initiated to evaluate the performance of head coaches on these important measures.

Student-Athletics Academic Performance

The student-athlete experience at the University of Hawai‘i is unique! One significant challenge for our student-athletes is traveling …

Graduate Program Learning Assessment: Processes, Tools, and Resources

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Assessment and Curriculum Support Center, Graduate Division, and the Graduate Council. Wondering …