
Shidler College of Business Administration

Our accrediting body, the AACSB, when considering our assessment program, has praised our data collection and has provided feedback on developing substantive action plans, “closing the loop” and on College wide tracking of results. Our Faculty Assurance of Learning Committee is developing strategies to address each of these. It is also time to revisit our program assessment plans and we will begin with the BBA as it is our largest program.

From Rigorous Data Collection to Meaningful Results: Closing the Loop at Shidler

Our accrediting body, the AACSB, when considering our assessment program, has praised our data collection and has provided …

In Fall 2014 and Spring 2015, I surveyed the reactions of N = 58 undergraduate students in three sections of a business course, who were invited to pilot-test a web-based, 3-D, interactive game. Entitled “Marketing Mayhem,” this UK-based game is designed to assess business students’ knowledge and application of ethical principles. I conducted descriptive analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data and found some mixed results on the suitability, usability and effectiveness of this 3-D game (as a tool for assessing of business ethics principles). Students suggested several improvements to the content and/or format of the game to make it more user-friendly and more tailored to US business ethics and related regulations. Implications for SLO assessment and curriculum development, as well as for business ethic game development were discussed.

Assessing Students’ Business Ethics Using a Web-based 3-D Game

In Fall 2014 and Spring 2015, I surveyed the reactions of N = 58 undergraduate students in three …

Shidler College of Business assesses student learning in each of six programs: Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Master of Accounting, Master of Financial Engineering, Master of Human Resource Management and PhD in International Management. Undergraduate and Master’s degree programs all make use of course-embedded assessment. Assessment of PhD student learning includes faculty reviews of students’ research and evaluation of students’ teaching. Each semester, the Shidler College assessment committee evaluates assessment results for undergraduate and master’s degree programs and makes recommendations to the college Curriculum and Programs Committee. In addition, each department reviews assessment outcomes of major-specific objectives for undergraduate students.

Assessment at The Shidler College of Business

Shidler College of Business assesses student learning in each of six programs: Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of …

Using Multiple Assessment Strands

Shidler College of Business -800 declared undergraduate majors and 550 graduate students.-12 academic degree programs plus executive programs …