UH Manoa offers classes in the following delivery formats.
Class Formats
- Fully in person: Students attend every class session in person.
- The day/time and location are listed
- For a few in person courses, the day/time and location may be listed as “TBA,” such as for practicum, internship, or capstone courses.
- Online asynchronous: Conducted entirely online, including assessments, with no scheduled day/time for class participation.
- Building/room is “ONLINE ASYNC” (effective with Spring 2022 schedules)
- Day/time is “TBA TBA”
- Online synchronous: Conducted entirely online, including assessments, with students required to participate in scheduled class sessions at the day/time indicated.
- Building/room is “ONLINE SYNC” (effective with Spring 2023 schedules)
- Day/time is listed
- Online mix of sync + async: Conducted entirely online, including assessments, with some class sessions delivered synchronously and some delivered asynchronously.
- Schedule will show two meeting lines, one ONLINE SYNC and one ONLINE ASYNC.
- Hybrid: All students attend at least one in-person class meeting during the semester, with the rest of the material delivered online.
- At least one meeting line has the location “ONLINE” and another lists a physical location
- Here-Or-There (HOT): Class is listed as more than one CRN, with one CRN fully online and the other fully in person or hybrid. Students register for the CRN of the delivery format of their choice. Instructor teaches simultaneously in person and online.
If you wish to change your schedule to include only fully online classes, you can search for online courses in STAR by:
- Selecting “Instruc Type: Distance-Completely Online” and searching
- Check to make sure that the only room listed for your courses is “ONLINE SYNC” or “ONLINE ASYNC”