Talk Story – July 12, 2023

RCUH Revolving Accounts (Chad Walton, Thad Nakajima, Joey Nikaido)

  • Current Status
    • Identified RCUH projects were converted to SRRC accounts in KFS.
    • Accounts are set to expire December 31, 2023 unless renewed by VPRS and VPRI
    • Policies and procedures are currently being developed
  • Outreach College (Assistance with Conference Registration Collection)
    • There have been several units asking about running conferences and how to collect credit card registration fees under an Auxiliary Enterprises Special Fund account.
      • You would need to work with Joanna Yama in Treasury Office for assistance in setting up and maintaining a merchant account.
      • For those that are unfamiliar with the process, it can be tricky with the required PCI DSS compliance and having to set up the Touchnet Marketplace Site
    • Outreach College has indicated that they are able to assist in ticketing and registration so you would not need to set up the merchant account and Touchnet Marketplace site
    • Keep in mind they can assist in the collection of fees only – not other conference planning services
    • They are currently looking to establish a standard fee for this service
    • For units that are interested, they can contact Stephanie Vie or Tim Slaughter at Outreach

Position Management Updates (Sheila Izuka)

  • Pandemic related hiring freeze lifted July 1, 2023
  • Request to fill process updated.
  • More information can be found here.

Announcements (Thad Nakajima, Joey Nikaido)

  • Facilities Use Agreements Review and Approvals
    • Please include a copy of the Certificate of Insurance and also double check that the required coverages are met as per the agreement. We have been seeing several certificates recently where the required coverages are not being met and require revisions by the insurance agents.
  • Form 136 Submittals
    • Some units have been sending the Form 136 directly to Sandy for signature via the State’s ETS system for signature by AdobeSign.
    • Its ok to sending these via ETS, but our Fiscal staff (myself, Lori, and Kari) review the forms first, so please send them to our uhmbf email ( rather than directly to Sandy or me.
    • This will also help speed up the approval in case the individual it was sent to is out sick or is on vacation.
  • BOR Budgets and 6 year Spending Plan

PDF Version of Notes available here.

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