What is the purpose and function of the Mānoa Staff Senate?
As outlined in the senate’s charter, the Mānoa Staff Senate shall:
- Serve as the voice for UH Mānoa staff members;
- Provide a medium for the exchange and coordination of information between staff, administrators, faculty, and students;
- Seek updates from administrators on a regular basis regarding campus matters that impact UH Mānoa staff;
- Make recommendations and lend expertise to the UH president and UH Mānoa provost on institutional matters of direct staff concern;
- Recommend staff representatives to serve on UH Mānoa committees; and
- Foster a culture of respect and community among all employees at UH Mānoa.
The senate serves as a channel of communication between UH Mānoa staff and administrators on procedural and operational issues of campus-wide concern that may be raised by either the senate or the administration. The senate chair serves on advisory groups to the UH president and senior leadership and as the official senate representative to the administration.
When do staff members contact the Mānoa Staff Senate as opposed to their Human Resource Office or Unions?
Staff may contact the Mānoa Staff Senate (MSS) to obtain information and provide input regarding university policies and operations that directly impact and concern UH Mānoa staff. This may include participation on a campus committee, ways to contribute to campus betterment, and opportunities to know and learn about fellow staff colleagues.
Staff should contact their respective Human Resource Office for information and assistance in areas including, but not limited to, UH position(s), responsibilities, employment benefits, eligible advancements/compensations, work relationship matters, and department reorganizations.
Staff should contact the Union on issues regarding employee wages, working conditions, and rights and responsibilities provided under Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 89. This may include furloughs, reassignments, compensation, and reorganizations.
There are matters that may overlap between the above three (3) entities. Please contact the MSS at uhmstaff@hawaii.edu if we can be of any assistance.
Who is eligible to serve on the Mānoa Staff Senate?
The staff senate currently includes full-time (1.00 FTE) Mānoa APT and “Hybrid” APT personnel who exclusively service the Mānoa campus.
All staff are welcome to view the information provided on the Mānoa Staff Senate (MSS) website and share feedback and comments via the MSS email (uhmstaff@hawaii.edu).
What is the time commitment for senators?
The time commitment for senators includes a minimum of one hour per month for senate meetings and additional time as needed for meeting preparation and committee work. Consult the senate’s bylaws for additional information regarding expectations and duties.
Do I need my supervisor’s approval to participate in the Mānoa Staff Senate?
Per the senate’s bylaws, service on the Mānoa Staff Senate is voluntary, non-compensatory, and must not interfere with work duties. Please communicate with your supervisor to ensure their understanding and support of your participation in the staff senate.
Where can I find information on reorganizations affecting the Mānoa campus?
For information regarding reorganizations, including the Mānoa reorganization, please see the following websites:
- UH Mānoa Planning for Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi – https://manoa.hawaii.edu/provost/planning-for-post-pandemic-hawaii/
- Process for UH Mānoa Planning for Present & Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi – https://manoa.hawaii.edu/provost/planning-for-post-pandemic-hawaii/planning-process/
- Your input is important. We encourage staff employees to connect with their department Dean/Director or HR office with any suggestions, questions, or concerns after reviewing the information. Staff employees may also reach out to the budget team at budget.process@hawaii.edu and/or MSS at uhmstaff@hawaii.edu.
- Organizational Charts of Appropriated Positions and Functional Statements
Staff are welcome to direct questions/comments to the Mānoa Staff Senate email (uhmstaff@hawaii.edu).