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Fall 2023: The information on the UH Mānoa Planning for Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi pages are being retained for archival purposes only and are no longer being maintained or updated.

Resource for COVID-19 budget crisis planning for Fiscal Year 2021–2022 and beyond

As stated in the September 11, 2020 message to the UH Mānoa campus by Provost Michael Bruno, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing a dire fiscal crisis for the State of Hawaiʻi and for the University of Hawaiʻi as well. UH leadership, and every UH Mānoa unit — academic, administrative, athletics, ITS — is developing plans to enhance opportunities for program and revenue growth and to meet Hawaiʻi’s most urgent needs. The plans are expected to produce significant cost savings through reduction of administrative costs, the elimination of low enrollment academic programs and the reorganization of programs and departments.

This is the long-term component of a two-part plan to address the financial crisis. The first, short-term component consisted of immediate cost saving measures including a hiring freeze and a freeze on all non-extramural-funded travel. This website, which will be continually updated, serves as a campus resource to provide the latest information and data that every UH Mānoa unit is working with to inform the critical decisions that will be made.


Implementation of Post-Pandemic Planning Recommendations (updated June 9, 2022)

Academic units have begun the process of implementing recommendations agreed upon after consultation with faculty, administrators and other key stakeholders. This spreadsheet lists every unit by school or college along with each unit’s list of recommendations, actions taken and actions completed. The spreadsheet will be updated regularly.

Performance Indicators for Prioritization (posted June 18, 2021)

We are here sharing the guidance document that was developed by the Strategic Prioritization Committee. The committee was comprised of faculty, students, staff and administrators (as listed below) and worked together to establish metrics and rubrics for the evaluation of our academic/instructional and research programs and units. The purpose of this evaluation process is to support the eventual budget-making decisions in the years ahead, as the university navigates the post-pandemic higher education landscape with the aim of positioning the university for success in Fiscal Year 2022 and beyond. Our success will be measured in our financial health, and in the quality and impact of our academic programs, our research and scholarship, our service, and our contributions to the social and economic wellbeing of the people of Hawaiʻi.

Deans: Peter Arnade, CALL; Jerris Hedges, JABSOM; Denise Konan, Social Sciences; Jonathan Osorio, Hawaiʻinuiākea; Brian Taylor, SOEST

UHM Budget Team: Michael Bruno, Provost; Velma Kameoka, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research; Laura Lyons, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Wendy Pearson, Senior Advisor to the Provost

Faculty: Shirley Daniel, Professor, Accounting; Roy Gal, Associate Specialist, ifA; Brent Sipes, Professor, PEPS; Kelley Withy, Professor, Family Medicine & Community Health; Ming-Bao Yue, Associate Professor, EALL

Staff: Destin Shigano, Lyon Arboretum; Seth Yoshioka-Maxwell, CALL

Representatives: Jaret Leong, Chair, UHM Staff Senate; Punihei Lipe, Kūaliʻi Council; Alyssa Renteria, ASUH; Ken Reyes, GSO; Christine Sorensen-Irvine, Vice Chair, Faculty Senate

Notes from Department Faculty Meetings with the Mānoa Budget Team (posted October 20, 2020)

The Mānoa Budget Team has been meeting with faculty and staff on a department by department basis, as explained in the October 20, 2020, message by Provost Michael Bruno. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss the Budget Team’s recommendations and explore additional ways to achieve the shared goal of positioning UH Mānoa for the financial challenges ahead while strengthening the capacity to support students and the campus community. The revised recommendations for each college and school are below and the notes from each of those meetings are also available.

School/College Presentations (posted October 12, 2020)

On October 12, 2020 each UH Mānoa unit dean/director provided an update on their progress to-date in the campus planning effort, aimed at positioning UH Mānoa to face the fiscal challenges ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Office of the Provost sent a message to the campus on October 13 updating the process and introducing the presentations. The work is informed and supported by ongoing meetings with faculty, staff and students.

Planning Process and Timeline

The following is a detailed description of the UH Mānoa budget planning process to address the fiscal crisis. It includes the criteria to be used for the decision-making process at the department and unit levels, a timeline and the proposed consultation. Details of this process are outlined in the Process for UH Mānoa Planning for Present & Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi.

Economic and Institutional Context

The following presentations to the UH Board of Regents are on the financial impact to the university and the State of Hawaiʻi due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentations provide context to the long-term economic challenges facing the state and the university. As of September 11, the state has not released its budget allocations for each state department, including the university, or announced expected cost saving measures. That information will be added as soon it is available.

Economic data superimposed over a shore-facing view of Waikiki

Presentations to the UH Board of Regents on the economic conditions facing Hawaiʻi

  • Presentation to the BOR Committee on Budget and Finance on September 3, 2020 on the State Economic Forecast by University of Hawaiʻi Economic Research Organization Executive Director Carl Bonham, “Battered by Covid-19, Hawaiʻi Begins to Reopen.”
  • Presentation to the BOR Committee on Budget and Finance on September 3, 2020 by the Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer on the condition of the economy (BOR vote on proposed budget deferred until state provides UH’s budget allocation).
  • The UH Mānoa budget summary submitted in August 2020 to the BOR as part of the UH System Fiscal Year 2020–2021 Operating Budget (BOR vote on proposed budget deferred until state provides UH’s budget allocation).

ferns growing out of a lava flow

Repositioning the university to meet Hawaiʻi’s most urgent needs

Resolution adopted by UH Board of Regents Proclaiming an Emergency (due the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis) and Directing Action by the University of Hawaiʻi Administration.

UH Mānoa Campus Data

The data below is helping guide and inform the decision making process for Phase 2 of the university plan to address the financial crisis and meet Hawaiʻi’s most urgent needs. Important notes about the data are provided.

Important notes regarding the data

The data is predominately from Academic Year 2019; Academic Year 2020 data is being consolidated now.

  • Some data includes comparison to three and five year averages.
  • Data are pulled from multiple systems and therefore discrepancies can occur.
  • Student Semester Hours (SSH) are based on the census date for each term.
  • Faculty ratio information is listed under the designation “Dean’s Office” or ”Instructional Units,” instead of within a specific department, in the minor instances where a direct match to a department could not be made.
  • Degrees awarded are based on end of semester information for each term. Degrees are counted once in each distinct school/college and department in the academic year in which the degree was awarded. Joint degree programs are listed under 1 department as categorized by IRAO.
  • Data for majors includes both primary and non-primary majors. The major count is based on the distinct instances of students in a school/college each term. If a student switches majors mid-year, they would be counted in each major that year. Exploratory programs are shown under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs by subject area.
  • Graduate Assistant (GA) counts are provided for extramural and institutional GAs by department and major.
  • Data for UH Mānoa units that were under reorganization as of June 30, 2019 are not reflected in their revised status.
  • Student Semester Hours (SSH) are the sum of semester hours taken by all students registered in all credit courses.
  • FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent (i.e., if an employee works ½ time, they are 50% FTE.

Summary of Budget Committee Suggestions and Unit Responses (Updated January 21, 2020)

How to provide feedback

Email to provide feedback on any aspect of the budget planning and/or any of the ideas for consideration.

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