Aloha, I love teaching religion because it helps us to understand world cultures and oftentimes gives us a much deeper reflection into our own epistemologies and philosophies. My specializations are biblical literature, the historical Jesus, and Christianity in early Hawai‘i. I grew up in Seattle, and Kona but have been living in O‘ahu since 1989. As a pioneering female surfer and journalist, my research “Intelligent Movement” forms one of the most extensive scholarly works ever written on he‘enalu (surfing). I emphasize its ‘ike philosophy to advocate for performative literatures to be preserved as language and form new literacies through the embrace of new media. I designed several innovative 200-level literature and creative writing courses from my research which foregrounds He‘enalu (Surfing) Hip Hop, and multimedia as performative writing. In all my courses, I strive to integrate digital media in class assignments and projects as an alternative to traditional alphabetic writing for students who are interested in creative arts. My current research interests are religion in new media and popular culture, religion and science fiction, and creating performative autobiographies and literary archives.
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: Ph.D. English Literature
“Intelligent Movement: The Dynamic, Improvised, Synchronized, Collective Overstandings of Hip Hop and He‘enalu as Language, Literature, and Literacy”
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: M.A. Comparative World Religions
Thesis: “The Moo Olelo of Joseph” – An analysis of the translation in the first Hawaiian Bible story
Pacific Rim Christian College M.A. Christian Ministry
Thesis: “Fully Human” – A class curriculum for the study of the historical Jesus
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: CATHR B.S. Fashion Merchandising & Design
LANGUAGES: Hawaiian, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Koine Greek
TECH: Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Premier Rush, Spark, Indesign, Character Animator, Portfolio, Basic HTML 5 & CSS, WordPress, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly
Courses Taught:
REL150 World Religions
REL151 Religion and the Meaning of Existence
REL200 Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
REL201 New Testament
ENG100 Composition I
ENG190 Composition I for Transfers
ENG270 Intro to Literary History: Hip Hop
ENG273 Introduction to Creative Writing: He’enalu (Surfing)
ENG273 Introduction to Creative Writing: Hip Hop
ENG273 Introduction to Creative Writing: Digital Stories
CM6313: Engaging the Cults
Universities where I teach:
University of Hawai‘i Mānoa
Honolulu Community College
Hawai‘i Pacific University
Pacific Rim Christian College
JOURNALISM: Honolulu Star-Advertiser, The Seattle Times, Surfer, FreeSurf, Adventure, Slide, Five, Curl, Wet, Surf Life for Women, Wahine, Tiare Girl, Surfing World Japan, Surfing Magazine, Pacific News Media, Longboarding Magazine. . .
Women’s Wear Daily, Women’s Sports and Fitness, Baywatch, B-Girl Be, Graffiti Queens Art Exhibit, and Empowered by Paris, Smithsonian National Museum of American History
“Breakin Out on the Olympics: A Disco Pedagogy, Global Conference on Hip Hop Education, California State University Long Beach, Nov. 8-10, 2023
“Breakin Out on Traditional Archives: How the Dynamic, Improvised, Synchronized, Collective Overstandings of Hip Hop will Revolutionize Traditional Archives,” Archiving Hip Hop: 50 years in the Making, The Open University UK, Sept. 28, 2023
“The First Storybook Printed in the Hawaiian Language” Second Company Bicentennial Commemoration, Hawaiian Mission Houses, April 28, 2023.
“Freestylin in the First Year Writing Cypher: How Hip Hop provides a smooth transition from alphabetic text to multimodal literacies.” The UH 2022 First-Year Writing Symposium. Honolulu, March 2022
“Floating on Adobe’s Creative Cloud in the Digital Apocalypse.” The UH 2021 First-Year Writing Symposium. Honolulu, March 2021.
Palapala “Same—Same?: Syncretism and Resistance in Hawaiian Bible Translation,” Annual LLL Conference, College of Linguistics & Literature (LLL), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 2020.
“Intelligent Movement and the Blueprint of Hip Hop: The 5 Elements (b-boying, emceeing, djing, beatboxing, graffiti) as Language, Literature and Literacy” (presenter) Conference on College Composition and Communication, David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 13-16, 2019.
“Join the Cypher of Hip Hop Pedagogy and Practice!” (workshop) Conference on College Composition and Communication, David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 13-16, 2019.
“Three Ripples on Performance: Across Authorship, Transgenre, and Dramatism” (chair) Conference on College Composition and Communication, David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 13-16, 2019.
“Being one of da boyz & Us Girls: a collection of surf journalism by extreme surfer Lane Davey.” Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France, Society for the Study of American Women Writers (SSAWW), Bordeaux, France (July 6, 2017).
“May The Force be with You as James Baldwin unveils Ubuntu.” Chaminade University of Honolulu, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Honolulu, Hi. (November 2017).
B-Girl Workshop. Rock the School Bells Hawai‘i, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, Hi. October 7, 2017.
“Against Althusser: The Stranglehold of Interpellation on Life Writing Studies.” Annual LLL Conference, College of Linguistics & Literature (LLL), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Sakamaki Hall A-311
Email: ldavey@hawaii.edu