Religions & Ancient Civilizations
The Department of Religions & Ancient Civilizations (RLAC) is dedicated to fostering a humanistic understanding of religious traditions and classical cultures more generally. The Religious Traditions Program specializes in the religious traditions of Asia and the Pacific. The Ancient Civilizations (Classics) Program explores the world of the Ancient Mediterranean (Greece, Rome, Egypt and more) from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Each program provides the foundation for a broad, multicultural education at UHM.

Learn more about our Religious Traditions B.A. Track and Religious Traditions of Asia & the Pacific Master’s Program.
Visit our faculty and staff page to learn more about who we are.
Learn more about our Ancient Civilizations B.A. Track and what we have to offer.
“The M.A. program in Asian Religions at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) offers world-class training in the theory and methods of Religious Studies with faculty expertise in the religions of Asia and the Pacific. In my experience, the program provided close faculty mentorship, as well as unique opportunities for interdisciplinary study and advanced-level training in East Asian languages. Taken together, these aspects of the M.A. program prepared me for success in doctoral studies and, ultimately, for a rewarding career as a professor of Chinese religions.”

“Studying religion at UH Manoa under the esteemed faculty was one of the greatest investments I have made in myself. The academic environment is equal parts challenging and inspiring, and I remember my time in Sakamaki Hall fondly. The skills I learned from Dr. Helen Baroni, Dr. Kapali Lyon, Dr. Jon Pettit, and many more have propelled me through the study of law and helped me start a career that is intellectually satisfying and personally rewarding.”

Department of Religions and Ancient Civilizations
Sakamaki Hall, A311
2530 Dole St, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822
Office Hours M-F 7:15 AM – 4:00 PM
(808) 956-8299