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E Hoʻomalu Mai: Building Pilina Through Conflict and Difference

He ali‘i ka ‘āina, he kauwā ke kanaka.

E Ho‘omalu Mai

We borrow the phrase “E Ho‘omalu Mai” – to request protection and peace – from Uncle Harry Kunihi Mitchell’s Mele o Kaho‘olawe.

As we face challenging times in Hawai‘i, the Middle East,  and around the world, we have to look no further than to Kaho‘olawe as once a site and mo‘olelo of extreme conflict and violence that is now a leading light of aloha and mālama ‘āina.

Grounded and inspired by our campus’ commitment to becoming a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning and the Native Hawaiian Principles in the UHM Strategic Plan, along with our designation as a center for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation, the Campus Climate Committee puts forth the following programming to provide some tools and approaches for us to ho‘omalu ourselves, one another, and this place through the tension, challenging, and polarizing times we are facing now and will undoubtedly face in the future. 

We begin by inviting you to step back and contextualize two words: “safety” and “speech” as we explore them through a variety of events and resources listed below as a means to think critically, and build the capacity to show respect towards one another. This work begins with pilina: building and finding our relationships and connections.

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