Finding e-Books with OneSearch

The book in the video is Roman Architecture by Frank Sear — permanent link:


This tutorial will summarize the steps for finding electronic books.

Hamilton Library has acquired access to e-books from many different vendors.

One primary source is Ebook Central, which is owned by ProQuest.

This tutorial will focus on this vendor. 

Use the OneSearch finding tool to find e-books.

From the main library page, which is located at, enter the keywords for your e-book in the basic OneSearch box.

We will search for “Roman Architecture”.

On the results page, to find e-books you need to add two filters, which are located on the left side of the page.

First, click on the “Available online” filter, which limits the results to online resources.

Second, click on the “Books” in the “Resource Type” filters list.

In this case, we must click on the “Show more” button to see the complete list of resource types and then we can see the “Books” filter.

The results will only show e-books available through Hamilton library.

Click on either the title or the “Available online” link for the book you want to see.

The bibliographic record will provide details on the book and a link to access the e-book.

In this case, click on the “Ebook Central Academic Complete” link.

You will then have to log-in using your UH username and password.

You will then see the e-book access page.

Sometimes, you can download a copy of the book to your computer to use for a set period of time.

In these cases, you will need to install a free program from Adobe called Adobe Digital Editions.

A tutorial on Adobe Digital Editions can be accessed through the Hamilton Library learning page. 

If the “Download Book” option is not available, then Hamilton Library does not have enough licenses available for you to download the book.

The number of licenses is described in the Availability section on this page.

In this case, Hamilton Library has unlimited licenses, so as many people at UH Manoa as want to can either download the book or read it online at the same time.

Sometimes, Hamilton Library has only purchased limited licenses, which means that only a small number of users can download the book at any one time, or that no one can download the book and it can only be read online.

Click on the “Read Online” link to access the book.

On the left side of the e-book is a search box and a table of contents with links to the different sections of the book.

We will search for “concrete”.

Notice that the word occurs 73 times in the book. 

If we scroll down the table of contents, we can click on the specific page we want to look at.

Along the top of the e-book interface are tools which include the ability to print or create a PDF.

When printing or creating PDFs, you are limited to a certain number of pages.

In this case, you are able to print or create PDF documents up to a total of 73 pages.

You can add notes.

You can highlight text.

You can move from one page to the next or jump to a particular page.

If you want to send someone a link to this specific page, you can also click on the “Share Link” button, copy the text that appears, and then send the URL to someone else.

Note that the person receiving the link will still have to log-in with their UH username and password.

If you select some text, you can add a note.

You can highlight it.

And you can copy it.

Notice that if you copy the text and then paste it, into Microsoft Word, for instance, the reference is also included.

This concludes the tutorial on finding e-books.

For more tutorials, please consult the Hamilton Library learning page, which is located at

Thank you for watching.

Please contact Brian Richardson at with any questions or comments.

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