Requesting Streaming Videos for Classes

Two Steps:

  1. Download and fill out the PDF.
  2. Email the PDF to <>


This tutorial describes the process for faculty members to request that a streaming video be made available for students.

Streaming videos can be digitized from DVD or VHS copy, or rented by the library, typically for a semester, from a streaming video service.

To “digitize a film” means that the DVD or VHS is converted into a digital computer file.

Once the process is completed, the instructor will be sent a URL link to the file.
Then, the instructor and the students can access the streaming video online.  

Given copyright law, there are two important limitations to this service.

First, the video can only be available for a single semester at a time.

If the video is needed for a later semester, a new request must be made.

Second, the video is password protected so that it is only available to people with a valid UH username and password.

To request that a video be streamed online, the instructor first fills out the Streaming Video Request form.

The instructor must provide the title of the DVD or VHS and, if the item is from Hamilton Library, the call number as well.

The Streaming Video Request form is available on the forms page at

Please make sure to sign the form. 

When you are done, save a copy of the form and email a copy to <> as an attachment.

To fulfill copyright requirements, the staff at Hamilton Library must first search for a streaming video license that we can purchase.

If the library cannot find a license to purchase and a streaming video is not available through Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, or other streaming video vendors, then Hamilton Library can digitize the material, either from our collection or as provided by the faculty member.

The typical processing time is 3 weeks.

If the library must manually subtitle the video, the processing time is closer to 6 weeks.

Processing time can also be longer at the beginning of each semester.

Please request the materials as soon as possible.

Another option for making videos available to your students is to put them on reserve as physical items that students can check out and view in the library.

This process is discussed in the tutorial entitled “Putting A/V Material on Reserve”, which is available on the library’s Teaching Resources page at

Please email <> if you have any questions regarding requests for video streaming.

This concludes the tutorial.

Thank you for watching.

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