
Gifts and Donations

The Jean Charlot Collection is a comprehensive collection of artist papers including manuscripts, photographs, prints, drawings, a few paintings and a large collection of books authored by or about the artist or from his personal library. Narrowly focused, the Jean Charlot Collection is grateful for donations of primary source materials such as manuscripts, prints, photographs and related materials that fill gaps in the collection as well as monetary donations that will be used to preserve and make collections accessible in-person and online. Due to limited resources, we are not actively collecting Hawaii’s master artist and architect archives, but will consider exceptional opportunities.

Gifts of Materials

If you own and would like to offer your unique item that will strengthen our collections, please contact the Art Archivist Librarian at or call 808-956-2849.

Monetary Donations

There is much to be done to make the collections more accessible, from physical inventory to processing and entry into a collections management database and digital imaging. Donations to support these activities are most welcome to the University of Hawaii Foundation’s Jean Charlot Collection Enrichment Fund (Fund #123-6230-4).

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