MOU Between The UHM Library and the National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH)

The UHM Library and the National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH) entered into another productive collaboration and executed an MOU on Thursday, September 7th (see the photo). UHM will loan nine primary materials from the Asia Collection’s Takazawa Collection for a special exhibit titled, “1968: A Time with Countless Questions.” The exhibit will be held from October 11 through December 10, 2017, at the NMJH in Japan. The Takazawa Collection consists of over 50,000 primary sources on social movements in Japan during the 1960s. The Library and NMJH have engaged in several previous collaborative projects: (1) The 1710 rare scroll restoration with the NMJH’s matching fund of $15,000 in 2006; (2) the special exhibit of the 1671 scroll and over 20 other rare woodblock prints in 2012, after which an exhibit catalog was published, and (3) a UHM joint symposium and exhibit, “Interpreting Parades and Processions of Edo Japan,” in 2013. The collaborations have spurred NMJH-funded opportunities for UHM faculty and students to study and conduct research in Japan. The Interim University Librarian stated, “I hope that this collaboration will strengthen our close relations and lead to greater opportunities for our students and faculty.”
Much appreciation goes to: The Preservation Department for their help preparing the materials (see the photo), the Library Administration, and the Fiscal Administrator.