
Washoku: Japanese Foods & Flavors

Posters and display cases for Washoku exhibit

March 13, 2019-May 27, 2019
Location: Elevator Gallery

Washoku 和食 was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2013. UNESCO stated:

“Washoku is a social practice based on a set of skills, knowledge, practice and traditions related to the production, processing, preparation and consumption of food…”

The exhibit wall focuses on umami & dashi, which are essential to creating the many flavors of Washoku.

Three display cases highlight resources:

Case 1: Images and historical documents on natural ingredients that contribute to flavors that are unique to Japanese food,

Case 2: Dishes, techniques, and presentations of Washoku,

Case 3: Japanese foods and Hawaii.

The Library is co-sponsoring a related lecture by Dr. Samuel Yamashita, “The ‘Japanese Turn’ in Fine Dining in the United States 1980-2017,” to be held at 3 pm on April 17th, in Hamilton Rm. 306.

For more details, please visit https://guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/japan/publiclecture/yamashita/index

Posters and display cases for Washoku exhibit - Washoku Umami Posters and display cases for Washoku exhibit - Washoku

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