Turning the Page 2006 - Artists Book Exhibition
January 18, 2006-February 27, 2006
Location: Bridge Gallery
The "Artists' Book Exhibition," an exhibit of artist's books by members and friends of the Honolulu Printmakers, is on display in Hamilton Library's Bridge Exhibition space and in the display cases near the main elevators on the first floor.
Contemporary artists' books have derived from the tradition of bookbinding. Text and imagery in artist's books are produced in various ways: through drawing, painting, collage, photography, and printmaking processes: including lithography, intaglio, relief and serigraphy, or even through manipulation by xerox or computer. Artist's books may be "one of a kind" or small editions. A book's structure may use traditional binding or it may have an exposed, decorative binding. It may be a soft spined book which forms a "star" when completely opened, a folded "maze" book made from a single sheet of paper, or even individual "pages" which are kept in a unique container.
For more information please call 536-5507 or email laura@honoluluprintmakers.com