
The Last Checkout: Celebrating Sinclair Library's 63 Years

Images of Sinclair for the Sinclair Exhibit

February 7, 2020-April 3, 2020
Location: Sunny Alcove

As Sinclair turns into the student success center, let us remember the history and legacy of Sinclair Library, 1956-2019. This exhibit, in the lobby of Hamilton Library, includes a timeline of events at Sinclair, accompanied by historical photos. You can learn more about the Library's history with our comprehensive binders located on the desk dedicated to Gregg M. Sinclair, or by viewing videos filmed in the Library. Visitors can also write their own Sinclair story on our flipboard chart.

Timeline for the Sinclair Exhibit Binders for the UHM Library and Welcome to Gregg M. Sinclair Library A textual recap of Sinclair Library's History An Image of a display for the Sinclair Exhibit A poster for sharing memories of Sinclair Library

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