
The Fight for the Right to Vote

Fight for the Right to vote exhibit

November 1, 2006-November 7, 2006
Location: Government Documents

Did you know that when the U.S. Constitution was first written, only a small portion of the population of the U.S. had the right to vote?

In honor of Constitution Day (September 17), Government Documents Collection LIS intern Naomi Zimmer has created a display about four amendments to the Constitution that expanded voting rights:

15th Amendment -- gave African-American males the right to vote

19th Amendment -- gave women the right to vote

24th Amendment -- ended the poll tax
26th Amendment -- changed the voting age to 18

Please stop by to see the exhibit at Sinclair Library on the first floor next to the elevators. While you're here, you can marvel at the dramatic improvements in Sinclair Library.

Gov Docs Exhibit Image|Fight for the Right to vote exhibit

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