
Sugar Days: Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association Plantation Archives

Coloring a RAINBOW: a selection of coloring books in the Hawaiian Collection Worker

November 1, 2004-November 30, 2004
Location: Bridge Gallery

The Hawaiian Sugar Planter's Association (HSPA) Plantation Archives is a unique collection of records from plantations on the Hawaiian Islands of Kaua'i, O'ahu, Maui and Hawai'i. Itis a rich resource, providing detailed insight into plantation life and the sugar industry inHawai'i from 1850 to 1991. The Plantation Archives was created under the aegis of the HSPA, nowknown as the Hawai'i Agriculture Research Center. It was donated to the Hawaiian Collection atthe University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library in 1995.

Records series include corporate records, correspondence, cultivation contracts, financial records,personnel and payroll records, production records and other miscellaneous company records.

Workers hauling sugarcane on their shoulders|Piles of cut sugarcane|Men sitting on bagged sugar in a warehouse

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