
Strippers in Hawaii

Dragons of Hawaii Book Cover

May 1, 2007-May 31, 2007
Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

Selected comic STRIPS and comic books in the Hawaiian Collection about Hawaii and/or by Hawaii artists Every Sunday morning, we reach for the newspaper and we flip to the comics (come on and admit that you all do this, too). Comics (or, less commonly, sequential art) is a form of visual art consisting of images which are commonly combined with text, often in the form of speech balloons or image captions. Originally used to illustrate caricatures and to entertain through the use of amusing and trivial stories, it has by now evolved into a literary medium with many subgenres. [from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic]Check out our selection of comics on display in the Special Collections Reading Room until the end of May 2007.

Pidgin to the Max Exhibit Item|Veronica Comic Book Cover|Strippers in Hawaii Banner

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