
Second arrest of Japanese war criminals in Tokyo; US Congress works to withdraw Marines from China

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM

November 15, 2015-November 21, 2015
Location: Government Documents

Seventy years ago, as still today, there are fears and expectations of nuclear energy, borne from the destruction visited upon two Japanese cities at the end of the war. An international conference is held to address its use and regulation--highlighted in this week's Newsmap.

Meanwhile, in Nuremberg, Germany, the trial of the twentieth century convenes. This Allied trial of Nazi leaders will conclude ten months later (while the Tokyo military tribunal will not begin until May 1946). US Supreme Court Chief Justice Stone calls it a high-grade lynching party, but for all its criticisms--and there are not a few--the trial will expose the extent of Nazi atrocities for posterity. Crimes never to see the light of day had there been an immediate execution by a UN firing squad (but none existed). International solidarity against Germany and a call for punishment had been brewing, even early in the war. Although Germany and France are now in 2015 staunch allies, in Punishment for War Crimes of the 1940s, France declares it has had enough--"invaded three times by Germany in 70 years." 

Newsmap. Monday, 26 November, 1945: week of 13 November to 20 November

Front: Text highlights some of the issues of using atomic energy and weapons. Includes information on the three-nation [U.S., Great Britain, Canada] declaration on atomic energy. Photographs with captions: Smoke from an atomic bomb blast towers miles above Nagasaki; All but the base of a steel tower holding an atomic bomb was vaporized during test explosion in New Mexico; Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer; These men took part in the atomic bomb conferences at the White House : Prime Minister Attlee; President Truman; Prime Minister Mackenzie King; T. L. Rowan, Attlee's secretary; Dr. Vannevar Bush, U. S. expert; Maj. Gen. E. I. C. Jacob, British expert; Representative Charles A. Eaton of New Jersey; Senator Brian McMahon of Connecticut; Canadian Ambassador Lester B. Pearson; Secretary of State James F. Byrnes; Representative Sol Bloom of New York; Admiral William D. Leahy; the Japanese city of Hiroshima after it had been leveled by an atomic bomb. Verso: Text and illustration give a progress report on demobilization of Army, Marines, and Navy as of 1 November 1945.

  • View this map in print in the Map Collection reading room, ground floor of UHM Hamilton Library, the week of 15 November 2015
  • View this map online through the University of North Texas Digital Library (http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc843)

Notes: Newsmaps were color posters issued by the U.S. Army and the Government Printing Office (GPO) on Mondays during the World War II. They combine maps, images, and news from the previous week’s war effort. 

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