
Ryukyu/Okinawa: Culture & Trade

Ryukyu/Okinawa: Culture & Trade Ocean map

June 1, 2008-June 30, 2008
Location: Asia Collection

In celebration of the July 1st Opening of the UHM Center for Okinawan Studies, the Asia Collection Department has kicked off the new display of "Ryukyu/Okinawa: Culture & Trade." Much like Hawaii, Okinawa was a kingdom Ryukyu Kingdom until 1879. Situated among China, Taiwan, South Korea, and the mainland Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom flourished because of trade. The display focuses on the flow of culture, ideas, and people in and out of the Ryukyu Kingdom to Asia, Pacific & the Americas, and Japan.

From July 1, the Center for Japanese Studies will present two exhibits of Okinawa Performing Arts and links between the University of Hawaii and Okinawa at Hamilton Library's Bridge and Phase II Galleries. Enjoy the summer of Ryukyu/Okinawa.

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