
Philippine Komiks: Creating and Reflecting Filipino Sensibilities

Philippine Komiks: Creating and Reflecting Filipino Sensibilities Exhibit

July 5, 2011-September 30, 2011
Location: Asia Collection

An exhibit by the UHM Office of Multicultural Student Services, Filipino-American Historical Society of Hawaii and Hamilton Library-Asia Collection.

What is it 'to be Filipino'? One point for understanding these questions is to examine how Filipinos express themselves -- to themselves. This exhibit explores the formal constructs of komiks and how they communicate through their structural features. From the earliest known komiks created by Philippine national hero, Jose P. Rizal, to contemporary variations of the superwoman Darna, Filipino notions of time, place, personhood and hierarchy are created and reflected. By examining komiks within the Philippine context, as an activity of objectified reflection, this project will attempt to present a more generalized approach to understanding the comics phenomena that continually captives our society. The exhibit is funded, in part, by the Hawaii Council for the Humanities.

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