
Parasols over Asia: From Sunshade to Status Symbol

Parasols over Asia: From Sunshade to Status Symbol

February 2, 2013-June 28, 2013
Location: Asia Collection

In Asia, as well as parts of the West, parasols have evolved from simple sunshades to status symbols for royal and religious leaders. For example, in Southeast Asia, increasing tiers of parasols represent royal hierarchical rank. All across Asia, the Buddha is represented iconographically by one or more parasols in paintings and sculpture.

The topic for this exhibit was inspired images of parasols and umbrellas marking the most important political figures in the Asia Collectionʼs 1671 and 1710 hand-painted scrolls depicting Ryukyuan Okinawan tribute processions to Edo Tokyo. The scrolls were exhibited, in full, in connection with an international symposium “Interpreting Parades and Processions of Edo Japan” at UHM in February 2013.

The exhibit includes Asia Collection books about parasols and processions and images of parasols from ARTstor, one of Hamilton Libraryʼs subscription digital databases. The exhibit was designed by Linda Laurence Asia Collection Library Technician.

Appreciation for assistance with the exhibit goes to the following people: Tokiko Bazell Japan Studies Librarian; Joel Fernando at Campus Center Graphics; Etsuko Chopey Asia Collection Technician; and Robert Pantoca Asia Collection Student Assistant.

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