
Open Educational Resources

Preservation of Japanese book Covers

March 1, 2017-April 30, 2017
Location: Lobby Display

In celebration of Open Education Week, check out an exhibit on Open Educational Resources (OER) and attend events on Monday, March 20, 2017 at UHM Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) and here at Hamilton Library. Presentations include: Student cost savings with Open Educational Resources (OER), Copyright and Intellectual Property in the digital age, Free OER textbook adoption and publishing tools, and UHM's OER grant program.

Sponsored by the Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative of the UHM Outreach College, UHM Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Associated Students of the University of Hawaii (ASUH) and UHM Libraries.

For more information about Open Education Week and the UH OER program: https://oer.hawaii.edu.

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