
Offensive against communist positions by Chinese nationalists; General Charles de Gaulle beomes head of post-war French government

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM

November 8, 2015-November 14, 2015
Location: Government Documents

While Korea struggles with an interim military government instead of the hoped-for independence, Japan is occupied with a new ruler--General MacArthur--viewed with something akin to awe. In the aftermath of war, great is the need for reorder in all areas of Japanese and Korean society. Occupational directives for both countries are outlined in consummate detail, for example, in November 1945: Summation of Non-Military Activities in Japan and Korea. For a repatriated Japanese soldier, the welcome home is not at all like for his American counterpart. He is not a hero. Japanese civilians, while liberated from the Japanese war-time thought police, are now imposed with censorship, due to become even stricter in December. Expressions of war-time nostalgia are closely monitored and banned, and no criticism or photographs of the Allied occupation forces allowed. For the Koreans, at last, Japanese elements are eliminated from their daily lives.

Newsmap. Monday, 19 November, 1945: week of 6 November to 13 November   Front: Text highlights the strategic concept that guided the Western Allies to victory in Europe. Map shows German occupied territory as of 7 Dec 1941 in western Europe and North Africa. Verso: Text and illustration highlight the postwar job as a threefold task: Speedily demobilize those in uniform who want to return to civilian life, maintain and supply occupation forces, and provide for peacetime military strength to help ensure world security.

Notes: Newsmaps were color posters issued by the U.S. Army and the Government Printing Office (GPO) on Mondays during the World War II. They combine maps, images, and news from the previous week’s war effort. 

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