
Japanese surrender in Taiwan; Indonesian separatists riot against former colonial security forces

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM

October 25, 2015-October 31, 2015
Location: Government Documents

Several million people on both sides of the Hudson River observe a proud nation's Navy Day, celebrated October 27. President Truman reviews the naval fleet on his favored battleship the USS Missouri--the vessal that hosted the Japanese Surrender in Tokyo Bay just a few weeks earlier. After departing Pearl Harbor, the USS Missouri had steamed pass Diamond Head on her way to New York to be part of the naval fleet.

Photographs from Naval History and Heritage Command and National Naval Aviation Museum(NNAM). This week's Newsmap topic on Naval Air Transport Service is highlighted in the NNAM collection.

(Mighty Mo fourth from the foreground.)

Meanwhile, General Tomoyuki Yamashita, known as the Tiger of Malaya, is arraigned in Manila to be tried by an American military tribunal. His war crimes include: derelict of duty in permitting those under his command to commit atrocities. His case will conclude shortly, leaving a lasting judicial legacy.


Newsmap. Monday, 5 November, 1945: week of 23 October to 30 October. 

Front: Map with text shows routes of the Army's Air Transport Command as of 1 September 1945. Verso: The text and maps highlight the Naval Air Transport Service (Atlantic and Pacific wings).

Notes: Newsmaps were color posters issued by the U.S. Army and the Government Printing Office (GPO) on Mondays during the World War II. They combine maps, images, and news from the previous week’s war effort.

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