
Bombing raids on Japanese cities; post V-E Germany; Pacific theater of war

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM

May 17, 2015-May 23, 2015
Location: Government Documents

Military defeat of Nazi Germany was the first part, the second is eliminating Nazi philosophy from its society. Upon surrender one in every ten is a Nazi who tries to evade discovery. Flushing out 8 million adherents is a monumental task, but a thousand Nazi scientists are fortunate to be in U.S. custody. By the spring of 1946 they will be on U.S. soil because of Operation Paperclip, put to work in the cold war space race--to the chagrin of Stalin. Sixty million Germans, meanwhile, are hungry in post-Hitler Germany. You can read about Operation Paperclip in Remembering the Space Age published in 2008 by the History Division of NASA. For Nazi thought and organization, see National Socialism published by the Department of State in 1942 here in the collection.

Newsmap. Monday, 28 May, 1945: week of 15 May to 22 May, V-E Day + 3 weeks, 180th week of U.S. participation in the war. Text and maps depict military action in Okinawa and Nagoya. Verso: illustrated description of reconnaissance aircraft and activities.

Notes: Newsmaps were color posters issued by the U.S. Army and the Government Printing Office (GPO) on Mondays during the World War II. They combine maps, images, and news from the previous week’s war effort.

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