
ʻUlu and Only Us, by Dru Hara

ʻUlu and Only Us, by Dru Hara

November 1, 2016-March 20, 2017
Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

Two series of artwork are on display in the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections reading room - ʻUlu and Only Us, by Dru Hara. Dru is an undergraduate Fine Arts major with a focus in Photography. He is also a student assistant with the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections.

Only Us, 2014. Photographs.

This series explores the ways young people engage with their cultural heritage as they continue to define for themselves what it means to be Hawaiian in the 21st century.

ʻUlu, 2016. Collagraph Prints.

Hand-cut and organic imagery are layered together in different combinations to render the ʻulu, or breadfruit tree, a Polynesian staple.

Pii Black and White Woman Image

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