CJS Affiliate Faculty Member Professor Kevin Nute Releases New Book

CJS Affiliate Faculty Member Professor Kevin Nute, PhD, Releases New Book, The Constructed Other

Kevin Nute, an Associate Professor of Architecture here at UH has recently released his new book, titled The Constructed Other, about Japanese architecture in the Western mind. Nute, who received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, focuses his research upon the ways in which forms migrate across cultures, learning from Japanese architecture, the natural animation of indoor spaces, and time in constructed spaces.

The abstract for the book itself is as follows:

“The Constructed Other argues that the assumed otherness of Japanese architecture has made it both a testbed for Western architectural theories and a source of inspiration for Western designers. The book traces three recurring themes in Western accounts of Japanese architecture from the reopening of Japan in the mid-nineteenth century to the present day: a wish to see Western architectural theories reflected in Japanese buildings; efforts to integrate elements of Japanese architecture into Western buildings; and a desire to connect contemporary Japanese architecture with Japanese tradition. It is suggested that, together, these narratives have had the effect of creating what amounts to a mythical version of Japanese architecture, often at odds with historical fact, but which has exercised a powerful influence on the development of building design internationally.”


Access to the book can be found here.