New financial support requirements for J-1 Exchange Visitors

After carefully reviewing our financial support policy for J-1 exchange visitors (EV) and J-2 dependents, we are increasing the minimum monthly funding amounts required for J-1s and J-2s to participate in the UH Exchange Visitor Program. Without exception, all types of DS-2019 requests (i.e., initial, extension, transfer, and dependent requests) submitted to FSIS on or after January 1, 2024 must meet the following new minimums:

  • J-1 EV: $3,000 per month ($36,000/yr)
  • J-2 spouse: Additional $900 per month
  • J-2 child: Additional $700 per month per child

These new amounts apply to DS-2019 requests received by FSIS on or after January 1, 2024. Departments do not need to submit proof of increased funding for J-1s and J-2s who have already been issued UH DS-2019s as they will be grandfathered under the new policy until their current program end dates. However, if a department submits a DS-2019 extension request for a current J-1 or J-2 on January 1, 2024 or later, the new minimums must be met for the full extension period.

Our office last raised the minimum support requirements nearly 10 years ago. While this may seem like a large increase, keep in mind the minimum annual salary for an 11-month Junior Researcher is $68,912 and a PBB Step 01 is $60,000. Considering the steadily rising costs of housing, health insurance, food, and utilities, we feel the new minimums are long overdue. In recent years, this notion has been increasingly echoed by EVs who are shocked at how costly it is to live in Hawaiʻi. These new amounts are above the U.S. poverty guidelines for Hawaiʻi but are certainly on the low end of the average cost of living spectrum for Honolulu. It is therefore important that prospective EVs are made aware that these are minimum thresholds that do not necessarily reflect every EV‘s actual expenses.
We would appreciate your help in disseminating this information to all appropriate individuals in your departments. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your attention and assistance.