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CHEM 110 – Chemistry in a Sustainable World

3 Credits

Chemistry plays a critical role in our ability to adapt to a changing and ever more crowded world, but chemicals can also cause problems when they are used improperly or in the wrong environment. In this course, we will explore the important roles for natural and man-made chemicals in making our life better in a sustainable and environmentally safe way. We will also explore a few examples where chemicals play a role in damaging our environment, serving as a cautionary note that one needs a clear understanding of how chemicals interact with the environment, whether they will naturally degrade, or how they will be properly contained and disposed of.

CHEM 110 (cross-listed as SUST 120) emphasizes environmental chemistry, green chemistry, and other similar topics. This course is intended for non-Chemistry majors and will be eligible for DP diversification credit, similar to Chem 100.

CHEM 131 Preparation for General Chemistry

3 Credits

For students lacking preparation in chemistry. Provides background in algebra and elementary concepts of chemistry in preparation for entering the General Chemistry sequence. (Three lecture hours/week) Fall, Spring, and Summer.

  • Prerequisite: Effective Fall 2017: Successful completion of CHEM placement exam
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 161 General Chemistry I

3 Credits Syllabus

Basic principles of chemistry including stoichiometry. Introduction to solution phase chemistry. Gas phase chemistry. Introduction to thermodynamics, including enthalpies of formation and reaction. Introduction to atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, molecular structure. (3 lecture hours/week) Fall, Spring, and Summer Session I. DP

  • Prerequisite: C (not C-) in 131 or C (not C-) in 151 or successful completion of placement exam, or consent
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 162 General Chemistry II

3 Credits Syllabus

(Continuation of CHEM 161) Liquids and solids. Solutions and colligative properties. Continuation of thermodynamics, including entropy and free energy. Principles and applications of chemical equilibrium, including acid-base chemistry (titrations, buffers). Kinetics. Redox reactions and electrochemistry. (3 lecture hours/week) Spring and Fall. DP

CHEM 171 Principles of Chemistry

4 Credits

Principles, theories and elementary analytical methods of chemistry. Intended for physical science majors and engineers. (Fall Only) DP.

  • Prerequisite: Satisfactory Placement Exam score, and MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent)
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 181A Honors General Chemistry

4 Credits

Rigorous, in-depth introduction to chemical principles with emphasis on experimental and applied aspects of modern chemistry. (Three lecture hours/ week) Fall only. DP (Has not been offered in recent years)

  • Prerequisite: High-school chemistry and MATH 215 or MATH 241 or MATH 251A
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 181L Honors General Chemistry Laboratory

1 Credit

Laboratory experiments illustrating fundamental principles of chemistry involving advanced techniques and modern instrumentation. (One 3-hour lab session/week) Fall only. DY. (Has not been offered in recent years)

CHEM 272 Organic Chemistry I

3 Credits

Molecular structure, nomenclature, stereochemistry, reactions and mechanisms, synthesis of organic compounds. (Three lecture hours/week) Fall, Spring, and Summer Session I. DP.

CHEM 273 Organic Chemistry II

3 Credits Syllabus

(Continuation of CHEM 272) Molecular structure, nomenclature, stereochemistry, reactions and mechanisms, synthesis of organic compounds. (Three lecture hours/week) Spring and Fall. DP

CHEM 274 Principles of Analytical Chemistry

3 Credits Syllabus

Selected methods and principles, e.g. phase equilibria, ionic equilibria, electrode equilibria, separations, spectroscopy, automation and process control. (Three lecture hours/week) Spring only. DP

  • Prerequisite: CHEM 162 or 171 or 181A; MATH 216 or MATH 242 or MATH 252A
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 333 Instrumental Analysis

3 Credits

(Discontinued at this time) Methodology and Instrumentation. UV/vis spectrometry, emission and absorption spectrometry, HPLC, potentiometry, voltammetry and coulometry. (Three lecture-hours/week) Fall only. DP

  • Prerequisite: CHEM 274/CHEM 274L and CHEM 351 (or concurrent)
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 351 Physical Chemistry I

3 Credits

Principles and theories; physico-chemical procedures. (Three lecture hours/week) Fall only. DP

  • Prerequisite: CHEM 274/274L, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, and PHYS 272 and PHYS 272L
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 361 Physical Biochemistry

3 Credits Syllabus

Biochemical thermodynamics, chemical and enzyme kinetics, biomolecular structure, and biomolecular spectroscopy. A-F only. (Fall only). DP

  • Prerequisite: CHEM 162, PHYS 272, and MATH 242 or 252A with a grade of C or better for all prerequisites.
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 372 Bioorganic Chemistry

3 Credits

Mechanism of biochemical reactions, biophysical structure, techniques for studying biochemical reactions. (Fall only) DB


CHEM 445 Synthesis and Analysis: Organic Compounds

3 Credits Syllabus

Introduction to multi-step synthesis and instruments/analytical techniques used to characterize organic compounds. Retrosynthesis and diastereoselective reactions; spectroscopy (optical methods, NMR), mass spectrometry. Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and coupled techniques (GCMS, LCMS). CHEM or BIOC majors only. A-F only. (Spring only) DP

  • Prerequisite: CHEM 273 with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 445L Synthesis and Analysis: Organic Compounds

2 Credits Syllabus

Laboratory on the preparation of organic compounds and physical methods for their characterization. Includes optical methods (UV-vis, IR), chromatography (HPLC, GC), mass spectrometry (GCMS and LCMS) and NMR. A-F only.  Spring only. DY

  • Prerequisite: 273L with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval
  • Syllabus Archive

CHEM 462 Advanced Biochemistry

3 Credits Syllabus

Advanced topics in biochemistry including nucleic acid replication, transcription, and translation; genetic and epigenetic regulation; bioenergetics and control of metabolism; alternative metabolic strategies; and enzyme structure and mechanism. A-F only

  • Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in CHEM 361, CHEM 372 and BIOL 402
  • Syllabus Archive
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