(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Introduction to the diversity of marine organisms and the many specialized coastal, reef, and oceanic habitats in which they live. Lab and field research exercises will complement lecture subjects. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 601)
(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Investigation of biological phenomena and processes related to productivity and food webs, community structure and ecology, adaptations, and physiology, and impacts of human activities and fisheries. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. A-F only. Pre: 601. Minimum prerequisite grade of B. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 602)
Introduction to key professional skills including, but not limited to: grant writing, CV preparation, research logistics, data management, reproducible science, peer review, research ethics, publishing, career options, teaching, and professional presentations. MBIO majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Discussions with marine biology graduate faculty on current primary literature in marine biology. MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Spring only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fisheries and population models including growth, stock-recruitment, surplus production, age-structured and size-based, parameter estimation, uncertainty characterization, resampling methods, and scientific computing. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 215 or 216, or MATH 241 or 242, or consent. (Alt. years)
Marine biology topics, literature, and concepts of current interest within one of several active fields considered in detail; (B) general marine biology; (C) marine fisheries and natural resource management; (D) marine conservation biology; (E) marine education, outreach and policy; (F) marine physiology, behavior and organismal biology; (G) marine population biology and ecology; (H) marine community and ecosystem ecology; (I) professional development for marine biologists; (J) seminar at HIMB. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Directed research and reading in various fields of marine biology. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Research for master’s thesis; (F) 1 credit. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to marine fisheries and natural resource management. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to marine conservation biology. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to education, outreach, and policy of the marine environment. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to the physiology, behavior, and biology of marine organisms. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Reflects faculty expertise and needs for graduate training in quantitative methods for biology, including statistical, computational, and analytic approaches. Format (lecture/lab/discussion) will vary by topic. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.