On March 24, 2017, the Assessment Office of the University of Hawaii at Mānoa (UHM) hosted the 2017 Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the Sinclair Heritage Reading Room from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. The exhibit featured 19 posters prepared by UH Mānoa faculty and staff who presented program assessment for the purpose of improving student learning.
View full Evaluation Report.
View Flyer.
Poster Awards
Best Poster Design:
- Wendi V. Vincent, General Education Office Adopting a New Assessment Approach: Using SALG to Evaluate General Education Learning Outcomes
- Runner Up: Jessica L. W. Miranda, College of Education Dean’s Office Program Completion and Mentor Surveys as Indirect Evidence of Learning: From Development to Use
Best Faculty Engagement Strategies:
- Amy E Lower, Communication Sciences & Disorders Use of a Weighted Curriculum Map for Programmatic Improvements in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Mee-Jeong Park, East Asian Languages & Literatures Merging graduate degree programs with the Program Assessment tool set
Best Use of Results
- Song Jiang, Jing Wu, Reed Riggs, and Yijun Ding, Chinese, East Asian Languages & Literatures Implementation of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA) in Beginning Level Chinese Language Classes
- Michael Guidry and Tiffany Tsang, Oceanography Assessment in Paradise: Using Data to Drive Undergraduate Geoscience Initiatives and Programmatic Changes
- Shannon Johnson, Come Back to Manoa Assessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate
- Runner Up: Ann M. Sakaguchi and Christian Peterson, Anthropology The Anthropology PhD Dissertation Defense Rubric: Enhancing Student Learning
Cook, Lysandra (Special Education) – Course Series Alignment: Examining a Three Course Sequence (Nominated Best Use of Results and Best Poster Design)
Crow, Susan;Litton, Creighton; Oleson, Kirsten; and Vaughan, Mehana (Natural Resources & Environmental Management) – A Collaborative Assessment Process for Sustained Curriculum Improvement in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Das, Priyam and Das, Ashok (Urban & Regional Planning) – An Assessment-Informed Collaborative Initiative: Curriculum Mapping for PhD Program Improvement (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Dovermann, Heiner (Mathematics) – Department of Mathematics Program Assessment via Exam (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Guidry, Michael and Tsang, Tiffany (Oceanography) – Assessment in Paradise: Using Data to Drive Undergraduate Geoscience Initiatives and Programmatic Changes (Awarded Best Use of Results)
Hawaii Interprofessional Education Working Group (Ng-Osorio, Jacqueline), Nursing – Working Across Professions to Develop the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Pathway
Hill, Yao, Z. (Assessment Office) – Excellent Uses of Assessment Results: A UH Manoa Showcase
Institutional Learning Objectives Committee (Winter, Jenifer; Pascua, Anita; Post, Sarah; and Stitt-Bergh, Monica), Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – The Institutional Learning Objectives and Undergraduate Assessment (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies and Best Use of Results)
Jiang, Song; Wu, Jing; Riggs, Reed; and Ding, Yijun (East Asian Languages & Literatures) – Implementation of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA) in Beginning Level Chinese Language Classes (Awarded Best Use of Results, Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies)
Johnson, Shannon L. (Come Back to Manoa, Outreach College) – Assessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate (Awarded Best Use of Results, Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies and Best Poster Design)
Lower, Amy E. (Communication Sciences & Disorders) – Use of a Weighted Curriculum Map for Programmatic Improvements in Communication Sciences and Disorders (Awarded Best Faculty Engagement Strategies)
Mathews, Geoffrey S. (Physics & Astronomy) – Engaging science faculty in program assessment – planting seeds and cultivating growth (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Miranda, Jessica L. W. (Dean’s Office, College of Education) – Program Completion and Mentor Surveys as Indirect Evidence of Learning: From Development to Use (Runner-Up Best Poster Design, Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Nelson, Scot C. (Tropical Plant & Soil Sciences) – New Grading Rubrics for Signature Assignments: Tropical Agriculture and the Environment (Nominated Best Use of Results)
Osada, Kristine M.and Ching, Penny (Dental Hygiene) – From revising program SLOs to a culture of open communication in Dental Hygiene (Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies and Best Use of Results)
Park, Mee-Jeong (East Asian Languages & Literatures) – Merging graduate degree programs with the Program Assessment tool set (Awarded Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Nominated Best Poster Design)
Sakaguchi, Ann, M.and Peterson, Christian, E. (Anthropology) – The Anthropology PhD Dissertation Defense Rubric: Enhancing Student Learning (Runner-Up Best Use of Results, Nominated Best Faculty Engagement Strategies, Best Use of Results, and Best Poster Design)
Vincent, Wendi, V. (General Education) – Adopting a New Assessment Approach: Using SALG to Evaluate General Education Learning Outcomes (Awarded Best Poster Design, Nominated Best Use of Results)
Lysandra Cook
Special Education
Susan Crow, Creighton Litton, Kirsten Oleson, and Mehana Vaughan
Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Song Jiang, Jing Wu, Reed Riggs, and Yijun Ding
Chinese, East Asian Languages & Literatures
Shannon Johnson
Come Back to Manoa, Outreach College
Amy E Lower
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Jenifer Winter, Anita Pascua, Sarah Post, and Monica Stitt-Bergh
Institutional Learning Objectives Committee
Mahalo nui to UH Productions who created the video presentations.