field supervisor evaluation

Children in Hawaii experience the worst oral health outcomes nationally. Seven out of 10 third graders experience tooth decay, 7% need urgent dental care and 60% lack dental sealants. Limited pediatric didactic and clinical educational experiences for BS dental hygiene students affects attitudes towards treating pediatric patients. Curriculum changes should be considered in order to improve the comfort and skill level of future BS students in treating pediatric patients.

Pediatric Dental Care Curriculum Component Integrated in the Existing Dental Hygiene Program

Children in Hawaii experience the worst oral health outcomes nationally. Seven out of 10 third graders experience tooth …

A successful Animal Science program produces graduates that are well-prepared to assume professional roles in the work force or to continue into post-graduate programs. This preparation requires skills and competencies as well as knowledge. Among others, CTAHR Skills and Competencies include analytical/problem solving skills, personal characteristics, human relations skills, and leadership skills. Animal Science Student Learning Outcomes include applying knowledge to appropriate husbandry, developing problem-solving skills for lifetime learning, good citizenship in both personal and professional habits, and exploring the relationship between applied animal biology and society. In their final year, Animal Science students complete a required internship in an area of interest. Supervisor evaluations of these internships provide feedback on the skills and preparation of our students. Supervisors evaluate students in the areas of work performance, professional relationships, professional role, and general/overall. Mean scores for 59 students over the last five years ranged from 86% to 96% with an overall mean of 92%. The only score that was significantly different from the overall mean was 86% for “Initiative to identify needs and proposed solutions.” This appears to be related to a lack of student confidence in their abilities. Of particular interest are the score of 95% for “Would employ student in the future if an opportunity developed,” and the number of students (currently 33%) that end their internships with an offer of employment. Supervisor evaluations provide an objective assessment of student skills and competencies and preparation for a professional role and indicate that Animal Science students are generally well-prepared.

Using Internship Supervisor Evaluations for Program Assessment

A successful Animal Science program produces graduates that are well-prepared to assume professional roles in the work force …

Practicum assessment utilizes an approach that helps ensure the masters of public health (MPH) students learn to take action and apply their knowledge and skills while participating in practicum projects in community organizations. The main tools of assessment include: supervision by a field preceptor, observation of the student in the field, completion of objectives and deliverables designated on the department-wide evaluation form, and a three-part critical thinking reflective paper written by the student. The practicum experience has resulted in students making significant service-learning contributions to community agencies, while these community agencies are preparing MPH students to enter the public health workforce.

Practicum Assessment from the Department of Public Health Sciences

Practicum assessment utilizes an approach that helps ensure the masters of public health (MPH) students learn to take …

Assessing the Planning Practicum: Lessons for Engaged Scholarship

The planning practicum is a required course in the Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) program in …