Support Fund Winning Projects 2024

We happily announce the 2024 winning projects. These two projects were selected for their high potential to improve student learning on a program outcome(s) and an institutional learning objective(s), and their commitment to faculty collaboration. Read about the assessment for learning improvement support fund.

2024 Awardees

Elementary Education
Information & Computer Sciences
Theatre and Dance

Elementary Education

Kaliko: Moving towards a culturally responsive professional disposition assessment

ʻAlohilani Okamura, Jamie Simpson-Steele, Aaron Sickel, Jerae Kelly, Leah Muccio, Stephanie Furuta and Jaime McMullen

Targeted Institutional Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding of Hawaiian culture and history
  2. Respect for people and cultures, in particular Hawaiian culture

The assessment group of the College of Education, School for Teacher Education has been meeting since August 2023. One of the things tasked to this group was revisiting the four assessments given to students seeking teaching licensure throughout their program of study.

The program’s targeted learning outcomes are:

  • To demonstrate professional dispositions, which consist of the values, attitudes, actions, commitments, and ethics that influence teacher candidates
    • Some ways are through behaviors, development, professional growth, and the ability to become knowledgeable, effective and caring educators

One of these assessments, the assessment on Professional Dispositions, is used consistently throughout the programs of study. The assessment group asked for faculty feedback on the usefulness and effectiveness of the Professional Disposition assessment (Assessment D). The group analyzed the data and determined that revisions were needed. The result was a culturally responsive and relevant assessment (Montenegro and Jankowski, 2017) aligned to the institutional learning objective (ILO) Students pursue excellence, integrity, and engagement through respect for People and Cultures, in Particular Hawaiian Culture.

The planned discussion/activity is a “Data Party” looking at the mid-term and final assessments of the piloted Professional Disposition assessment that includes the assessment for students’ respect for Hawaiian values and culture. 

  • Through the “Data Party,” faculty will brainstorm and prioritize concrete actions to sustain/disseminate the success and/or enhance the existing programming to support student development. 
  • The group will collaboratively implement the actions and reassess in Fall 2024.

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Information & Computer Sciences

Developing Culturally-responsive and Equity-minded Assessment Practices in ICS

Kenny Ka’aiakamanu-Quibilan, Anthony Peruma and Martha Crosby

Targeted program Student Learning Outcomes and Institutional Learning Objectives:

ICS Student Outcomes:

SO #2: Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline
SO #3: Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
SO #4: Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles

Undergrad ILOs:

  • Specialized study in an academic field
  • Think critically and creatively
  • Conduct research
  • Communicate and report
  • Continuous learning and personal growth

The Department of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) includes two primary committees that have a commitment to assessment, the Curriculum Committee and Undergraduate Committee. We are looking to enhance our Culturally-responsive and Equity-minded Assessment (CEA) practices by developing capacity through a small community of practitioners. The project team includes a faculty academic advisor (Kenny Ka‘aiakamanu-Quibilan), an assistant professor (Anthony Peruma), and a professor (Martha Crosby). We plan to have data parties to meaningfully disaggregate student data and to determine how assessment practices may influence student development in undergraduate programs. Additionally, we plan to collaborate with our faculty and potential students in the analysis of the data as a means of building a culture of assessment within our department.

With both junior and senior instructional faculty on the project team, we also plan to review current instructional practices to determine how we can implement CEA practices in our courses before presenting the information to the curriculum and undergraduate committees for a broader distribution across the department. Our goal is to start small as a proof-of-concept for the rest of the faculty and to serve as CEA assessment leaders in the department to continuously build the culture of CEA assessment.

Two major focus area for our project focus on CEA practices:

  • Area #1: Meaningful disaggregation of data will help us to investigate equity gaps and determine potential areas for adjustment. (CEA 8)
  • Area #2: Working together to determine and implement possible CEA assessment approaches in our courses and present it to the faculty to help build a culture of CEA assessment. (CEA 3, CEA 10)

We plan to have data parties and discussions with the faculty to determine how we can utilize disaggregated data to improve our assessment approaches and student learning. We are also looking to have brainstorming sessions to develop CEA practices within a small group who can share how these approaches improve student learning which may promote others implementing these approaches in their courses as well. Both approaches will begin with the project team and continue with the applicable departmental committees such as the curriculum and undergraduate committees.

Toward the end of the project completion, we plan to collect data regarding how students are meeting SOs to determine how the potential changes to assessment approaches in our courses support student learning.

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Theatre and Dance

Enriching and Assessing Native Hawaiian Place of Learning in Theatre and Dance Research Project

Lorenzo Perillo and Hailiʻōpua Baker

Targeted Institutional Learning Objectives for advanced degree programs:

  1. General education knowledge (arts and humanities, biological sciences, languages, physical sciences, social sciences, technology)
  2. Understanding of Hawaiian culture and history
  3. Think critically and creatively
  4. Respect for people and cultures, in particular Hawaiian culture
  5. Stewardship of the natural environment

Since 2020 the Theatre and Dance Department (T&D) has developed an action plan for addressing historical and contemporary equity issues and moving toward the campus’ goals of becoming a Native Hawaiian place of learning. The T&D action plan consists of four ongoing initiatives: 1) centering Hawaiian culture 2) diversifying beyond a western focus 3) inviting artists, scholars, and students of color 4) and working for inclusiveness. As part of the initiative, we have also launched a PhD concentration in Hawaiian and Indigenous Performance. Both Dr. Baker and Dr. Perillo are faculty in T&D and core members of ʻAhahui Noiʻi Noʻeau ʻŌiwi–Research Institute of Indigenous Performance (ANNO). T&D has yet to develop curriculum and assessment for all its undergraduate and graduate degree programs based on a shared action-plan-centered student learning outcomes (SLOs).

This project aims to create and implement a learning assessment plan and tool informed by T&D’s action plan and two of UH’s NHPoL strategic focus areas:

  1. Native Hawaiian student success
  2. Native Hawaiian staff and faculty development

The primary investigators will share faculty, staff, and student experiences with the team members and other T&D faculty who will use the NHPoL assessment tools in their own courses. We will meet with the T&D curriculum committee for integration of the NHPoL rubric in all areas of the department.

Undergrad ILO #1: Breadth and Depth of Knowledge

  • Breadth and Depth of Knowledge
  • Students develop their understanding of the world with emphasis on Hawai’i Asia and the Pacific by integrating: Broad knowledge of the cultural, social, physical, and natural world; Specialized knowledge in an academic field; Hawaiian culture and history

Advanced degree ILO #1: Knowledge and Understanding

  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest.
  • Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study.

Students’ understanding of theoretical, conceptual, and or historical aspects of dance (SLO 4) and knowledge of educational theories and best practices (SLO 5) will be reassessed at the end of the Spring 2025 and using the NHPoL assessment tools and rubric. I will administer a survey for faculty, staff, and students at the end of Spring 2025 to establish a benchmark and re-assess student learning in Spring 2026 to measure improvement.

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Updated 4/25/2024