The following is a list of academic journals offering current, established, and cutting-edge perspectives on assessment practice in modern education contexts. Each of these are tremendous resources not only for learning how to transform assessment at your institution, but also for sharing best practices that have worked for you with the larger community. Clicking on the title of any journal will open a dropdown list of additional information, including a direct-link to the journal homepage, journal content, audience, access restrictions, publication requirements, and sample articles.
The following is a list of academic journals offering current, established, and cutting-edge perspectives on assessment practice in modern education contexts. Each of these are tremendous resources not only for learning how to transform assessment at your institution, but also for sharing best practices that have worked for you with the larger community. Clicking on the title of any journal will open a dropdown list of additional information, including a direct-link to the journal homepage, journal content, audience, access restrictions, publication requirements, and sample articles.
We look forward to seeing your work in one of these leading assessment journals someday soon!
Assessment Practice and Research
- Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
- Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
- Assessment Update (practitioner friendly)
- Assessing Writing
- Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
- Emerging Dialogues (practitioner friendly, open access)
- Intersection of Assessment and Learning (practitioner friendly, open access)
- International Journal of ePortfolio (open access)
- Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
- Journal of Assessment in Higher Education (practitioner friendly, open access)
- Research & Practice in Assessment (practitioner friendly,* open access)
- The Assessment Review (open access)
Educational Measurement and Psychometrics
- Educational Assessment
- Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Educational and Measurement: Issues and Practice
- Journal of Educational Measurement
- Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (open access)
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
- Link:
- Publication type: Peer-reviewed international journal, papers and reports on all aspects of assessment and evaluation in higher education. Aims to advance understanding of assessment and evaluation practices, esp. contribution these make to student learning, course, staff, and institutional development.
- Audience: All higher education practitioners and faculty
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: up to 7000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- A critical review of GenAI policies in higher education assessment: a call to reconsider the “originality” of students’ work (2024)
- Developing evaluative judgement for a time of generative artificial intelligence (2024)
- How does assessment drive learning? A focus on students’ development of evaluative judgment (2023)
- New frontiers in student evaluations of teaching: university efforts to design and test a new instrument for student feedback (2023)
- A practical approach to overcoming biases in comparing student performance in higher education (2022)
- Does student agency benefit student learning? A systematic review of higher education research (2021)
- A four-dimensional framework for teacher assessment literacy in holistic competencies (2021)
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
- Link:
- Publication Type: Peer-reviewed. International journal with focus on scholarly output in the field of assessment. Encourages contributions from a wide range of assessment systems and cultures. Aim is to explore both commonalities and differences in policy and practice.
- Audience: Faculty, researchers, assessment practitioners
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: 4,000-6,000
- Sample recent article titles:
- Students’ experiences in self-assessment: training, processes and feedback use in secondary and higher education (2024)
- Use of technology-based assessments: a systematic review covering over 30 countries (2024)
- The Future of Educational Assessment: Self-assessment, Grit and ChatGPT? (2023)
- Assessment is contagious: the social contagion of formative assessment practices and self-efficacy among teachers (2023)
- The early automated writing evaluation (eAWE) framework (2022)
- Writing motivation questionnaire: validation and application as a formative assessment (2022)
- Using student-instructor co-constructed rubrics in signature assessment for business students: benefits and challenges (2021)
Assessment Update (practitioner friendly)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Not peer-reviewed. Short articles and news items. Practical advice on assessment, including SLOs, instruction, programs and curricula, student services, overall institutional assessment.
- Audience: Administrators and faculty with assessment responsibilities.
- Access: Subscription required
- Manuscript Length: 1,000-2,000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Taking Stock of the Effectiveness of a Meta-Assessment Process (2024)
- Inclusive Assessment: At the Intersection of Assessment, Equity, and Lived Experience (2024)
- Building a Comprehensive Assessment Framework (2024)
- Defining the Assessment Coordinator Position: Supporting the Academic Community and Building a Culture of Inquiry (2022)
- Considering Equity in the Development of Written Communication Skills (2022)
- Fostering Learning Improvement Projects: The Importance of Faculty Development and Reflection (2022)
- High‐Impact Practices, Student Agency, and Equity in Course Design and Assessment (2021)
Assessing Writing
- Link:
- Publication type: Peer-reviewed international journal, forum for ideas, research and practice on assessment of written language. Publishes book reviews, articles, conference reports, academic exchanges concerning all writing assessment types on any stage of assessment (e.g., needs assessment, assessment creation, implementation, validation).
- Audience: Teachers, researchers, assessment practitioners
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: up to 8500 words.
- Sample recent article titles:
- Unlocking writing success: Building assessment literacy for students and teachers through effective interventions (2024)
- The motivational aspect of feedback: A meta-analysis on the effect of different feedback practices on L2 learners’ writing motivation (2024)
- Visualizing formative feedback in statistics writing: An exploratory study of student motivation using DocuScope Write & Audit (2024)
- Using Perceptiv to support AI-based online writing assessment across the disciplines (2023)
- Integrated writing and its correlates: A meta-analysis (2022)
- The three-fold benefit of reflective writing: Improving program assessment, student learning, and faculty professional development (2014)
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
- Link:
- Publication Type: Peer reviewed. Some articles have open-access. Research articles on assessment, evaluation, and accountability of all kinds and on various levels as well as in all fields of education. Publications focus on the European context. Provides readers with a rich contextual nature of evaluation, assessment and accountability in education. Theory-oriented and methodology-based; focus on connecting policy making and practice.
- Audience: Faculty, practitioners, researchers
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: not to exceed 15,000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Dimensions of teachers’ data literacy: A systematic review of literature from 1990 to 2021 (2024)
- Understanding academic resilience, equity, and research engagement to improve education (2023)
- Understanding the academic achievement of the first- and second-generation immigrant students: a multi-level analysis of PISA 2018 data (2023)
- Mapping the constellation of assessment discourses: a scoping review study on assessment competence, literacy, capability, and identity (2022)
- Possible biases in observation systems when applied across contexts: conceptualizing, operationalizing, and sequencing instructional quality (2022)
- What’s on the syllabus? An analysis of assessment criteria in first year courses across US and Spanish universities (2021)
- Assessment and evaluation with clarifying purposes for policy and practice (2020)
Emerging Dialogues (practitioner friendly, open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Not peer-reviewed, submissions do undergo committee review. A publication of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE). Publishes op-eds, reflections, and personal narratives on assessment in higher education. Intended to be a platform for discussing challenges faced by modern higher education professionals through publishing original or responsive articles focused on student learning assessment that are relevant, thought-provoking, well-reasoned, and supported by diverse experience or research.
- Audience: Faculty, practitioners, researchers
- Access: Open access to online articles.
- Article length: Not to exceed 1,200 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Promoting Equity and Empowering Faculty with Data Coaching (2024)
- Using ChatGPT to Develop Survey Questions: A Survey Researcher’s Experience Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Item Development (2023)
- Benefits of Aligning Low and High-Stakes Assessment and the use of Feedback in Rubrics to Improve Student Learning Outcomes (2023)
- Using Student Assessment Teams and Student Focus Groups to Improve Course Evaluation (2022)
- Reflections on a Model of Student-Inclusive Assessment Research (2022)
- Ask Eight Key Ethical Questions: A Strategy for Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Values into Assessment Planning (2021)
- An Assessment Director’s Dilemma: How to Get Assessment Work from People Who Do Not Report to Us (2020)
Intersection of Assessment and Learning (practitioner friendly, open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Has recently become a peer-reviewed journal. Acceptance rate: 80%. The Intersection of Assessment and Learning is the AALHE’s quarterly publication. All articles are education-related and serve a broad higher-education community. Features practice of assessment in higher education.
- Audience: practitioners and interested faculty
- Access: Open Access
- Manuscript length: 2000-8000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Including Authentic Student Voice in your Assessment Story (2023, most recent)
- Faculty and Assessment Practitioner Needs for Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education (2023)
- Using assessment data to advance equity: Five things that get in the way (2023)
- What Should Be in An Assessment Professional’s Toolkit? Perceptions of Need from the Field (2023)
- Assessment Literacy in the Higher Education Context: A Critical Review (2022)
- Defining Co-Curricular Assessment and Charting a Path Forward (2022)
- Students as Researchers and Participants: A Model of Iterative Member-Checking for Inclusive, Equity-Centered Assessment Research (2022)
- Connecting High Impact Practices and Student Self-Efficacy: Social Cognitive Theory as a Window into Student Growth (2021)
- Addressing Equity through Assessment Practice (2020)
- Collective Strength: A Culturally Responsive Assessment Project on First-Generation Students (2020)
International Journal of ePortfolio (open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Open-access, peer-reviewed journal. Instruction and principles of learning using practical, effective ePortfolio methodologies; evaluation and assessment methods and practices supported by ePortfolio; case studies, best practices, theoretical papers, relating ePortfolio to larger social and cultural phenomena, innovation and application of technology in ePortfolio.
- Audience: Faculty, practitioners
- Access: Open Access
- Manuscript length: 4000-7000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Leveraging a Campus Equity Walkthrough Evaluation (CEWE) ePortfolio to Assess First-Year Students’ Equity-Minded Learning and Campus Belonging (2023, most recent)
- A Report from the Field: How ePortfolios Can Improve Student Transition from Secondary to Post-Secondary Education in Alaska (2022)
- A Reflection Upon Capstone ePortfolio Projects and Their Alignment With Learning Theories (2022)
- Collecting a Revolution: Antiracist ePortfolio Pedagogy and Student Agency that Assesses the University (2021)
- The Journey of Designing and Implementing an Institution-Wide e-Leadership Portfolio (2021)
- Reflecting, Integrating, and Communicating Knowledge Through ePortfolios to Increase Civic and Scientific Literacy (2020)
Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
- Link: (not continuing)
- Publication Type: Peer-reviewed. The official publication of the New England Educational Assessment Network. Publishes scholarly work on the assessment of student learning at the course, program, institutional, and multi-institutional levels as well as more broadly focused scholarship on institutional effectiveness in relation to mission and emerging directions in higher education assessment.
- Audience: Practitioners, Researchers
- Access: Subscription required
- Manuscript length: 20-30 double spaced pages
- Sample recent article titles:
- The Clearinghouse Model of Support for Undergraduate Research: Measuring Student Research Engagement and Interventions at a Large Research University (2021, most recent)
- Challenges Assessing the Impact of Project-Based Learning on Critical Thinking Skills (2020)
- Course Grade Reliability (2020)
- Student Achievement Factors in a College Introductory Computer Course (2020)
Journal of Assessment in Higher Education (practitioner friendly, open access)
- Link: (not continuing)
- Publication Type: open-access, semi-annual publication that presents articles on current philosophy, research, teaching, learning and scholarship in higher education assessment. The Editors encourage submissions that represent multiple institutional contexts, perspectives, and issues that enable a dynamic and iterative exchange about the practice, successes and concerns that assessment in higher education reveal.
- Audience: practitioners and interested faculty
- Access: Open Access
- Manuscript length: 2,500-6,000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Fundamental Components of Personalized Coaching Models for Faculty: Addressing Inequities in Learning Outcomes Data (2022, most recent)
- Beyond Student Ratings of Teacher: Continuous Improvement Cycles Using Student Feedback (2022)
- Canvas (LMS) as a means for effective student learning assessment across an institution of higher education (2021)
- Linking program assessment to institutional goals (2020)
Research & Practice in Assessment (practitioner friendly,* open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Originated from Board of Virginia Assessment Group; this peer-reviewed journal focuses on higher education assessment; dedicated to advancement of scholarly discussion amongst researchers and practitioners in this evolving field. *Practitioner friendly because of the inclusion of a “learning improvement corner” which typically has articles that are structured as research projects or based on theoretical frameworks.
- Audience: Researchers, practitioners
- Access: Open Access
- Manuscript length: 2,000-6,000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Students’ Understanding of Assessment for Institutional Accountability and Improvement: Relation with Test-Taking Effort and Remote Test Administration (2023)
- Investigation Of The Alignment Of General Education And Academic Degree Program Learning Outcomes (2023)
- Fields, Professions, And Disciplines: Exploring Professional Identity In Assessment (2022)
- Distributed Leadership For Assessment: Considerations For Individuals, Institutions, And The Profession (2022)
- Culturally Responsive Assessment 2.0: Revisiting the Quest for Equity and Quality in Student Learning (2021)
- The Assessment Skills Framework: A Taxonomy of Assessment Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (2020)
The Assessment Review (open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: An online publication that supports the work of faculty, staff, and graduate students at the City University of New York (CUNY) as well as academic institutions across the country. This publication showcases research, articles, reviews, and success stories related to improvement of teaching and learning, improvement of administrative and student support services, theory and policy in higher education, and accreditation.
- Audience: Higher education faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Access: Open access.
- Manuscript length: Under 3,000 words.
- Sample recent article titles:
- From the Knowledge Dimension to Assessment Design: A Theory to Practice Assessment Framework (2024)
- Emphasizing Agency in Assisting Faculty to Improve Student Learning (2024)
- Mapping the Response to AI and Its Impact on Assessment Redesign Through Document Analysis (2024)
- Satisfying Program-Level Outcomes by Integrating Primary Literature into the Online Classroom (2023)
- Assessing the Implementation of Changes to Teaching (2022)
- Creating Equity: Scaffolding First-Year Composition at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (2022)
- Accreditation Standards to Include Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (2021)
Educational Assessment
- Link:
- Publication Type: Original research on the design, analysis, and use of assessment to deepen understanding of the performance and quality of individuals, groups, and programs in educational settings. Welcomes rigorous theoretical pieces and empirical studies (quantitative and qualitative) that inform national and international discussions in education policy and practice.
- Audience: Researchers, administrators, assessment practitioners, faculty
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: Did not specify.
- Sample recent article titles:
- Examining the Question-Behavior Effect in Low-Stakes Testing Contexts: A Cheap Strategy to Increase Examinee Effort (2023)
- Toward a Theory of Socioculturally Responsive Assessment (2023)
- The Five Faces of an Assessor: Conceptualizing the Enactment of Teacher Assessment Identity in Vocational Education and Training (2022)
- Preferences, Substitutes, and Complements: Mapping the Relationship between Data Sources within Teachers’ Instructional Practice (2022)
- Improving Measurement of Teacher Performance: Alternative Scoring for Classroom-Based Observational Systems (2022)
Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Link:
- Publication Type: Emphasis on quantitative analysis of measurement designs; psychometrics. Scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in measurement theory, problems, and issues; theoretical articles (new development and techniques) and applied articles (innovation and applications) welcomed.
- Audience: Researchers and assessment practitioners
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Sample recent article titles:
- Supervised Classes, Unsupervised Mixing Proportions: Detection of Bots in a Likert-Type Questionnaire (2023)
- On the Importance of Coefficient Alpha for Measurement Research: Loading Equality Is Not Necessary for Alpha’s Utility as a Scale Reliability Index (2023)
- Developing Situated Measures of Science Instruction Through an Innovative Electronic Portfolio App for Mobile Devices: Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility (2022)
- The Poor Fit of Model Fit for Selecting Number of Factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis for Scale Evaluation (2021)
- Evaluating Restrictive Models in Educational and Behavioral Research: Local Misfit Overrides Model Tenability (2021)
Educational and Measurement: Issues and Practice
- Link:
- Publication Type: Aims to promote understanding and debate on assessment, evaluation, and related issues of practical importance to educators and the public. Publishes articles that are both timely and have potential to advance the policies and practices of educational measurement. Educational measurement is understood broadly and can refer to both inferences made and actions taken on the bases of test scores or other modes of assessment.
- Audience: Psychometricians, staff in schools, districts and state departments of education, researchers and analysts at universities and think-tanks, legislators and their staff, interested citizens
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Manuscript length: Not to exceed 30 pages
- Sample recent article titles:
- Personalizing Large-Scale Assessment in Practice (2023)
- Cheating Detection of Test Collusion: A Study on Machine Learning Techniques and Feature Representation (2023)
- Validation as Evaluating Desired and Undesired Effects: Insights From Cross-Classified Mixed Effects Model (2023)
- Supporting the Interpretive Validity of Student-Level Claims in Science Assessment with Tiered Claim Structures (2022)
- Reconceptualization of Coefficient Alpha Reliability for Test Summed and Scaled Scores
- Learning Theory, Classroom Assessment, and Equity (2022)
Journal of Educational Measurement
- Link:
- Publication Type: Original measurement research reflecting current issues and innovations within education broadly conceived; open to a variety of manuscripts that include thoughtful analyses of research on measurement processes, techniques, tools, and procedures (e.g, expositions on the theory, philosophy and practice of measurement, reports on novel and generalizable uses of educational measurement in education or related disciplines, and innovative approaches used to develop measurement instruments used in educational settings).
- Audience: Researchers, faculty, practitioners
- Access: Subscription required though with some open access articles
- Sample recent article titles:
- Gender Bias in Test Item Formats: Evidence from PISA 2009, 2012, and 2015 Math and Reading Tests (2023)
- An Exploration of an Improved Aggregate Student Growth Measure Using Data from Two States (2023)
- A Statistical Test for the Detection of Item Compromise Combining Responses and Response Times (2023)
- Validity Arguments Meet Artificial Intelligence in Innovative Educational Assessment (2022)
- Several Variations of Simple-Structure MIRT Equating (2022)
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (open access)
- Link:
- Publication Type: Online peer-reviewed journal. Aim to publish articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice. Research and ideas about methodological issues and practices; methods, trends, and research developments from a variety of settings.
- Audience: Faculty, practitioners
- Access: Open access
- Manuscript Length: 2,000-8,000 words
- Sample recent article titles:
- Using Cumulative Sum Control Chart to Detect Aberrant Responses in Educational Assessments (2023)
- Teacher Use of Diagnostic Score Reports for Instructional Decision-Making in the Subsequent Academic Year (2023)
- Gauging Teaching Performance: Observational Sampling Opportunity, Reliability, and the Manifestation of True-Response Data (2022)
- Explained: Artificial Intelligence for Propensity Score Estimation in Multilevel Educational Settings (2022)
- How to obtain the most error-free estimate of reliability? Eight Sources of Deflation in the Estimates of Reliability to Avoid (2022)
- Graduate Training in Educational Measurement and Psychometrics: A Curriculum Review of Graduate Programs in the U.S. (2021)