The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) offers academic support, e.g., tutoring and supplemental instruction (SI) study groups, for students in traditionally challenging and targeted gateway courses. Unlike academic degree programs, the LAC, a co-curricular program, cannot utilize direct assessments of student work to determine program effectiveness; therefore, assessment of LAC programming must rely on triangulated data from multiple sources to determine its impact on student learning and success. After five years of data strongly suggesting that the LAC has had a positive impact on students who use our services, the LAC is poised to expand its programming to help a wider variety of students achieve their academic goals. by Adam Pang
Recommended Citation:
Pang, A. (2015, April). Assessment: Informing Co-curricular Programming from Past to Present to Future. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.