Driven by the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the global travel industry and the emergence of new job requirements, the purpose of this project is to assess the master students’ professional readiness from the standpoint of various stakeholders (faculty, alumni, industry professionals) about competencies required for advanced careers in the industry. The project is centered on an in-depth analysis of a single student learning outcome (SLO), identifying the skills and knowledge to be gained by the master students upon graduation, outcome mapping through significant experiences, brainstorming and creating new assignment rubrics, adjusting the program’s curriculum map, and communicating the results to stakeholders. The project includes primary data collection through self-administered survey, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, conducting multiple faculty sessions to interpret, create and assess project outcomes. The project team aims to improve master students’ competencies, career placements upon graduation, and stakeholder relationships. By Lenna Shulga, Berbekova Adiyukh & Kwanglim Seo
Recommended Citation:
Shulga, L., Berbekova, A. & Seo, K. (2024, April 1-5). Assessing students’ professional readiness in MS-TIM program [Poster presentation]. Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit, Assessment and Curriculum Support Center, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA.