Summer 2024 EPIC Interns Update 02

Published 6/13/2024

Matthew and Kaitlyn, our 2024 Ehime Prefectural International Center (EPIC) interns, have been busy in Ehime since they arrived in May 2024, and have visited a number of sites in the course of their work and participation in the internship. You can keep up with all of their work on the EPIC Summer Internship Facebook page.

They’ve participated in a number of interesting activities, including a visit to the Matsuyama Prefecture Police Department where they participated in a bicycle traffic safety training program.

Matthew trying out the bicycle traffic safety simulator.
Photo Credit: The EPIC Summer Intership Facebook page.

They have also visited a number of different schools across K-12, giving presentations about various topics, including about Hawaiʻi culture, and participating in various school and student activities.

Kaitlyn and Matthew in front of Iyo High School where they gave both gave presentations to students.
Photo Credit: The EPIC Summer Intership Facebook page.

They have also participated in a number of leisure activities, including joining a group cycling tour, and taking part in the Uwajima Hawaiian festival.

Matthew and Kaitlyn cycled with Shimanami Kaido, an amazing experience that allowed them to see a number of beautiful sights and taste amazing food along the route.
Photo Credit: The EPIC Summer Intership Facebook page.

Matthew and Kaitlyn participating in the Uwajima Hawaiian Festival, a yearly event that brings together two cultures and commemorates the 2001 Ehime Maru tragedy.
Photo Credit: The EPIC Summer Intership Facebook page.