The Maiden Benten and the Bandits of the White Waves

Published 4/3/2024

The popular Kabuki play, The Maiden Benten and the Bandits of the White Waves, commonly known as Benten Kozō, will be at the UH Mānoa Kennedy Theatre from April 19-20 & April 26-28, 2024. This production celebrates the long tradition of kabuki in Hawaiʻi, and marks 100 years of English-language kabuki productions at UH as well as Kennedy Theatre’s 60th birthday. It is made possible in large part by our very own CJS Faculty and Professor of Theatre, Dr. Julie Iezzi, who has worked tirelessly to bring this production to life.

Learn more about the production and buy your tickets at before seats run out!

From UH Mānoa Kennedy Theatre’s Media Release:

Under the expert guidance of UHM Theatre Professor Julie A. Iezzi and the collaborative efforts of several kabuki masters, students, and local artists, the stage is set for a spectacular celebration of kabuki’s charm, appeal, and timeless significance.

An accompanying exhibit, Kabuki in Hawai‘i: Connections through Time and Space, is on display now in the East-West Center Art Gallery until May 5, 2024. Jane Traynor, CJS Graduate Student and Ph.D. Candidate in Asian Theatre, who along with Dr. Iezzi gave a special tour of the exhibit after our 3/15 Lunch Mixer, is also active in the production as a cast member (Tasuke/Police), tachimawari captain, and interpreter for the guest artists. Read more about this exhibit on the East-West Center’s website.

Jane Traynor (L) as Torite (Police Officer)
From UH Mānoa Kennedy Theatre media release

CJS Representation

Several CJS Graduate Students, MFA, and PhD students are active in the production as cast members, musicians, and members of the production team:

Robert Morris III, Nippon Daemon (MFA Theatre, Acting and Directing)
Mariah Massengill, Akujiro (PhD, Asian Theatre)
Arlo Chiaki Rowe, Assistant Stage Manager, Musician, Koken (MFA Theatre, Directing)
Maggie Ivanova, Assistant Director and Hawker (PhD, Hawaiian and Indigenous Performance working with Ainu culture)
Jane Traynor, Tasuke/Police, tachimawari captain (PhD, Asian Theatre)

Read more about the production on the University of Hawaiʻi News website: 100th anniversary: Kabuki music masters guide UH students.