Hatsudate Shiki – First of Year Tea Ceremony at Jaku’an Tea House

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The UHM Center for Japanese Studies was honored to welcome State Representative Andrew Takuya Garrett as a guest for the Hatsudate Shiki (first of the year tea ceremony) at the Jaku’an Tea House on the UH Mānoa campus on Sunday, January 28, 2024.

CJS Director Mark Levin (left) with Hawaiʻi State Representative Andrew Takuya Garrett posing for a picture together before the Hatsudate Shiki

Rep. Garrett and others from the community and the CJS office team enjoyed the outstanding kindness of the students in the UHM Way of Tea Club serving tea and lunch in a traditional manner.

Representative Garrett receiving an okashi (a Japanese sweet served at tea ceremonies) from a UHM Way of Tea Club student performing tea ceremony duties

UHM Way of Tea students performing their duties as part of this tea ceremony

A UHM Way of Tea student is serving guests a traditional meal