We’re excited to announce that the Clint Spencer Clinic (CSC) will be joining the Queen’s University Medical Group (QUMG) and integrating with Queen Emma Clinics effective April 1, 2024.
Under this transition, the same services and your quality of care will remain unchanged.
The clinic’s new contact information will be as follows:
Clint Spencer Clinic at Queen Emma Clinics
1301 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 691.4970 | Fax: (808) 691.4614
For questions or concerns contact Maya Barney:
(808) 686-3699 OR the main clinic at (808) 691-4970
Mission Statement:
The Clint Spencer Clinic (CSC) is a multi-specialty clinic focusing on the care of individuals infected with the HIV and its complications. The clinic provides state of the art HIV-related primary care as well as consultative care for all of Hawaiʻi’s HIV-infected population.
Clint Spencer Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive, state of the art HIV healthcare and provider capacity building across the Hawaiian Islands.
We emphasize the following components of HIV care:
- Basic HIV care including antiretroviral therapy and preventive care.
Metabolic complications of antiretroviral hypercholesterolemia (high Cholesterol) and lipodystrophy (body fat abnormalities) - PrEP education and services
- Interpretation of resistance testing and salvage therapy.
- Viral hepatitis co-infection
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection and disease in men and women.
- Anal cancer screening – including high resolution anoscope and infrared coagulation
- Women’s health concerns
- Neurologic problems, including peripheral neuropathy and AIDS dementia
Our clinicians include physicians trained in Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Anal Dysplasia Evaluation and Care, and a Women’s Health-Nurse Practitioner.
Through Ryan White Funds, our Clinic retains the services of a Nurse/Patient Advocate whose role it is to ensure that the patient’s medical needs are met. In addition social services are available on the premises through collaboration with the Life Foundation, Oahu’s main AIDS Service Organization.
We accept most forms of medical insurance and do not limit our clients’ access to our clinical services based on ability to pay.
About Our Clinic Name:
The clinic was named in memory of Clint Spencer who died in 2001. Clint realized the importance of research in improving the care of Hawaiʻi’s HIV positive community; as a result, in 1992, he became the first patient to enroll in a research protocol through our Center.