Further Investigations: Locating Points on a Globe
Table of Contents
- Why is it necessary to have a prime meridian? Before an international agreement ratified Greenwich, England, as the prime meridian’s location in 1884, how did people locate and travel to places and specify dates and times?
- We refer to areas as the “middle east” or “far east”, and to practices like “western medicine.” Do these place names refer to the lines of longitude? Why or why not?
- What is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)? How are these related to Zulu time?
- Research and explain how astronauts keep time.
- What is daylight saving time? Why is it controversial?
- Calculate the circumference of the earth in nautical miles along any meridian of longitude.
- What types of projections other than those represented in the Mapping the Globe Activity are used to represent the surface of the earth? How are these projections made?