Atmospheric Effects
Wind is the movement of air on Earth. Wind is an important component of weather and affects ocean currents and waves on a global scale.
This introduction to atmospheric effects gives an overview of the concepts and activities explored in this unit and describes how these investigations build an understanding of ocean literacy.
Wind is the flow of air from areas of high air pressure to areas of low air pressure. Heat from the sun and the rotation of the earth influence air pressure and global wind patterns.
Global wind patterns emerge as warm, high-pressure air masses move from the equator towards cool, low-pressure air masses at the poles.
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Winds can push ocean water and generate surface currents. These surface currents can affect weather patterns, commercial shipping, and the distribution of species around the globe.
Global atmospheric circulation and regional prevailing wind patterns can influence weather events. Weather and climate are related, but distinct terms.
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Global atmospheric and water circulation patterns transport heat and moderate temperatures on planet earth.