Regular Tuition Schedule 2024-2025

Undergraduate Full-Time per semester Part-Time per credit hour
Resident $5,652 $471
Nonresident 16,668 $1,389
150% Resident $8,478 $706.50
Graduate (including post baccalaureate unclassified students)
Resident $7,800 $650
Nonresident $16,824 $1,402
150% Resident $11,700 $975
Graduate Business (MBA, MHRM, MACC, MS-FE)
Resident $10,644 $887
Nonresident $19,176 $1,598
150% Resident $15,966 $1,330.50
Graduate Education (EdD)
Resident $8,412 $701
Nonresident $19,140 $1,595
Graduate Nursing
Resident $12,012 $1,001
Nonresident $22,752 $1,896
150% Resident $18,018 $1,501.50
Law (JD)
Resident $11,424 $952
Nonresident $23,136 $1,928
150% Resident $17,136 $1,428
Law (LLM)
Resident $14,508 $1,209
Nonresident $14,508 $1,209
Resident $18,336 $1,528
Nonresident $35,664 $2,972
150% Resident $27,504 $2,292

Mandatory Student Fees

Per Fall/ Spring Semester
Board of Publications-all students $13
Student Health Fee-all students $118
Campus Center Board-all students $15
Campus Center Operations & Recreation-all students $175
Student Athletic Fee-all students $50
Student Activity and Program Fee $12
Broadcast Communication Authority-all students $3
UPASS Transportation Fee (does not include medical and law students) $50
Associated Students of the University of Hawai‘i (Classified undergraduates carrying 12 or more credit hours per semester) $5
Graduate Student Organization-all graduate students (does not include medical and law students) $15
Professional Fees
Undergraduate Cinematic Arts $500
Undergraduate Business $500
Undergraduate Engineering (Sophomore to Senior) $500
Undergraduate Nursing* $1,000
Undergraduate Dental Hygiene* $500
Undergraduate/Graduate Architecture $500
*Fee applies for no more than six semesters
Additional Course Fees
Certain courses may have additional fees and vary by college/school. Please see the up-to-date Course Fees section with the Office of the Registrar:

Outreach College (Online Courses) Tuition Schedule

Please refer to the Outreach Online website at for current charges.

Summer Sessions Tuition Schedule (per credit hour)

Courses numbered 499 and below Summer 2025
Resident $471
Nonresident $471
Courses numbered 500 and above
Resident $650
Nonresident $650
Graduate Business (MBA, MHRM, MACC, MS-FE)
Resident $887
Nonresident $887
150% Resident $887
Graduate Education (EdD)
Resident $701
Nonresident $1,595
Graduate Nursing
Resident $1,001
Nonresident $1,001
150% Resident $1,001
Law (JD)
Resident $952
Nonresident $1,928
Law (LLM)
Resident $1,209
Nonresident $1,209
Additional Summer Sessions fees – such as course fees for applied music, institutes, and other special programs – are outlined in the Outreach College Summer Sessions website:

Outreach College-Credit Extension Tuition Schedule (per credit hour)

Courses numbered 499 and below 2024-25*
Resident $471
Nonresident $1,389
150% Resident $706.50
Course numbered 500 and above
Resident $650
Nonresident $1,402
150% Resident $975
Graduate Business (MBA, MHRM, MACC, MS-FE)
Resident $887
Nonresident $1,598
150% Resident $1,330.50
Graduate Education (EdD)
Resident $701
Nonresident $1,595
150% Resident $1,501.50
Graduate Nursing
Resident $1,001
Nonresident $1,896
150% Resident $1,501.50
Graduate Law (JD)
Resident $952
Nonresident $1,928
150% Resident $1,428
Graduate Law (LLM)
Resident $1,209
Nonresident $1,209
Outreach College tuition is determined by the level of the course and not the degree status of the student, except for Law, Graduate Business and Graduate Nursing courses.

All tuition and fee charges at UH campuses are subject to change in accordance with requirements of state law and/or by the Board of Regents or the UH administration. See “Campus Policies” section for definition of resident, nonresident, and 150% resident.