Biomedical Sciences C-206
1960 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-8557


V. Nxedhlana, PhD, MT(ASCP) Program Director—medical technology
J. S. Ha, PhD—clinical biochemistry
R. Singh, MBA, MT(ASCP)—medical technology
R. M. Yamaguchi, MPH, MT(ASCP)—medical technology
Y. Zak, BS, MT(ASCP)—medical technology

Degree and Certificate Offered: BS in medical technology

The Academic Program

Medical laboratory science is a health-care profession in which medical technologists (medical laboratory scientists) (MLS) perform laboratory procedures for the promotion of health and the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diseases. The Department of Medical Technology offers a major to educate and train future MLS. Technical skills needed to carry out MLS tasks include microscopy, venipuncture, manipulation of various labware and operation of automated instruments. Results of these procedures are essential to the delivery of quality health care. The field is broad and involves several disciplines: chemistry, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking), immunology, and microbiology.

Medical laboratory science is a constantly evolving profession. Advances in healthcare and new career opportunities have fueled the demand for MLS. Employment opportunities are in hospitals, physician’s offices, reference labs, DNA labs, research, veterinary clinics, and other labs. Education and training in medical technology also enables graduates to pursue careers as physicians, forensic scientists, researchers, educators, health administrators, consultants, and many more.

Admission Requirements

The curriculum is a career-pathway structure that begins with medical lab technician (MLT) associate degree at a community college and culminates in a BS degree in medical technology. Students master the basic skills and knowledge in medical laboratory as MLTs, then clinical applications and problem solving skills that are required of the baccalaureate level practitioners are learned at UH Mānoa. Kapiolani Community College (KCC) offers an associate degree in MLT (4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816;; (808) 734-9270.

Among eligible candidates, 10 to 15 students per year will be selected by the Admissions Committee to be admitted. Eligibility criteria are:

  • Associate degree in Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT).
  • National certification as an MLT.
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in the MLT program.

While at KCC, students are encouraged to select courses applicable to UH Mānoa General Education, major requirements and prerequisites. Students considering matriculating to UH Mānoa should seek academic advising from advisors on either campus-(KCC or UH Mānoa).

Medical technologists perform various procedures that directly impact patient care, so it is important that all applicants be able to perform certain essential functions. With appropriate accommodations, if needed, everyone must be able to perform the activities listed below. These skills are assessed in the MLT program. Additional professional skills are taught in classes after admission.

  • Manipulate labware to transfer or prepare reagents and samples (e.g., charge hemocytometer, prepare blood smear).
  • Operate simple instruments according to instructions (e.g., cell counter, centrifuge, spectrophotometer).
  • Perform microscopic examinations on various specimens and report the results (e.g., leukocyte differential count, cell morphology, urinary sediments).
  • Follow written and verbal directions to perform laboratory tests and report results.

Other Requirements

Medical technology majors are required to have professional liability insurance, which costs about $40 per year. Immunization for Hepatitis B virus is highly recommended. Clinical affiliates, for those who opt to participate in the postgraduate clinical training, may have additional requirements (e.g., vaccinations, CPR/AED training, criminal background check).


Students are encouraged to see a medical technology advisor as soon as possible and prior to each registration period. Appointments can be made through the department office.

Clinical Training

Clinical training at affiliated clinical labs in Hawai‘i follows graduation. Alternatively, as certified MLT, students may qualify for medical lab scientist (MLS) certification through work experience.


The program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 5600 N. River Rd. Rosemont, IL 60018, phone (773) 714-8880,

Certification and Licensure

After clinical training, students are eligible to take a national certification exam. In Hawai‘i, state licensure is also required for employment.

Undergraduate Study

Bachelor’s Degree


  • Complete the degree requirements that satisfy UH Mānoa’s General Education Core requirements and program requirements. Second language is not required.
  • Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Visit and submit a registration application for graduation by the specified deadline (during the semester preceding the awarding of the degree).
  • You can also reach out to the graduation team at for assistance.
  •  Also, visit for more information on registration (for each semester).

Curriculum for Medical Technology

MEDT 151(2) is offered at UH Mānoa for those who start at UH Mānoa. MLT 100 offered at KCC is equivalent to MEDT 151, making KCC MLT students exempt from taking MEDT 151 at UH Mānoa.

Junior Year

  • Semester 1: †MEDT 301 (3); †MEDT 331 (3); CHEM 161/L (3/1); PHYL 301 (4)
  • Semester 2: †MEDT 431 (3); †MEDT 471 (4); CHEM 162 (3), BIOL 172 (3); PHYL 302 (4); TRMD 431 (2)

Senior Year

  • Semester 1: †MEDT 451 (3), †MEDT 472 (4), †MEDT 477 (2); †MICR 461 (3)
  • Semester 2: †MEDT 464 (3); †MEDT 478 (2); †MEDT 481 (1); †MICR 463 (3), BIOL 275 (3)

For information on a Bachelor Degree Program Sheet, go to programsheets/.

For Candidates Who Already Have a Bachelor’s Degree

If you already have a bachelor’s degree, and wish to obtain a second degree in medical technology but are not able to follow the MLT-MLS track, you may qualify for admission through the “Second Degree” route. Minimum qualifications:

  • Completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college
  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative and math/science GPA
  • Completed required courses (up to 2 may be taken while on probationary status): CHEM 161/L, 162/L, BIOL 171/L, 172, 275, MATH 140X (or higher), MICR 351/L, MEDT 151, 251 (includes phlebotomy training)
  • Apply to be admitted through the “Second Degree” route

Upon admission, student will be classified as an undergraduate student in medical technology, and must complete the major and graduation requirements as described above plus MEDT 302, MICR 461L and MICR 463L.

Contact the department academic advisor for more detailed information: Yoko Zak at

Post-baccalaureate Study

Certificate for Clinical Training

  • †MEDT 591 (28)

Note: Grade of C or equivalent is required for courses highlighted with a dagger (†).