Financial Aid Services
Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services 112
2600 Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822-2222
Tel: (808) 956-7251
Fax: (808) 956-3985
Scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs are provided to eligible students by the federal and state governments and private donors. Some programs are based on merit or academic records, and others on demonstrated financial need.
UH Manoa encourages students who believe they may not be able to enroll or continue their education because they lack financial resources to apply for financial aid through the Financial Aid Services office.
The federal government is a major source of grants, loans, and work-study funds to undergraduate and graduate students. With the enactment of the Higher Education Amendment of 1992, applicants are required to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) form to the federal processor for the determination of eligibility for federal, state, and some institutional program funds.
If you have been selected for verification, you must submit federal tax transcripts, a verification worksheet, and other forms as required by Financial Aid Services. Students interested in applying for financial aid may visit our website at for financial aid information and forms.
The offer of aid may include funds from public and private sources, depending on the applicant’s residency, degree of need, date of file completion, major, class level, and availability of funds. Recipients are advised to read their rights and responsibilities, including the description of the type of funds awarded and disbursement procedures on the financial aid website.
The priority date is February 1; however, applications will be accepted after that date with awards offered contingent on available funds.
Types of Financial Aid
Scholarships are awarded to exceptional UH Manoa students on the basis of academic excellence and exceptional promise; students in specific majors, colleges, or schools; Hawai‘i residents; students of a particular class standing; or students with demonstrated financial need. Noteworthy scholarships include the following among others:
B+ Scholarship
Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen and continuing students who complete a rigorous high school curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) at a Hawai‘i public school, and are residents of the state of Hawai‘i with preference to those with financial need.
Manoa Academic Merit Scholarship
Scholarship is an automatic $3,000-$4,000 scholarship per year for four years of undergraduate study for first-time degree seeking students. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, 1200 SAT or 25 ACT upon the time of application to UH Manoa. Students who receive a New Warrior Scholarship are ineligible for the Manoa Academic Merit Scholarship.
New Warrior Scholarships
New Warrior Scholarships were created for incoming freshman and comprise of the following scholarships:
- Regents Scholarship
Regents Scholarship Sixteen scholarships for full tuition plus $4,000 per year are awarded to incoming freshman students who are residents of Hawai‘i with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or better and a 1340 SAT score or 29 ACT score. This scholarship is renewable for up to four years upon maintenance of eligibility and includes a one-time academic travel grant of up to $2,000. For more information, visit
- Provost Achievement Scholarship
Scholarships awarded to incoming freshman students who are residents of Hawai‘i with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 (4.0 scale) and a 1310 SAT or 28 ACT score. Evidence of superior academic achievement or creative endeavor and record of academic, co-curricular, and community service activities. For more information, visit
- Manoa Excellence Scholarship/Manoa International Excellence Scholarship
In-State Tuition awarded to high achieving incoming non-resident/international freshman students. These awards are renewable up to 8 consecutive semesters. Students must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA. For more information, visit fas/info/nws.php.
Presidential Scholarship
Seven scholarships for full tuition plus $4,000 per year awarded to juniors who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7, have demonstrated sustained academic progress, show superior academic achievement or creative endeavor, and are residents of Hawai‘i. This scholarship is renewable for one year upon maintenance of eligibility and includes a one-time academic travel grant of up to $2,000. For more information, visit fas/info/presidential_scholarship.php.
UH Manoa Student Scholarships (STAR)
Scholarships available to UH Manoa students administered by differing departments and colleges. For more information, visit
ROTC Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded for up to four years to qualified applicants by the UH Manoa Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC programs. Scholarships cover tuition, books, laboratory fees, and a $300-500 tax-free monthly allowance during the school year. Contact respective campus ROTC programs (see “ROTC Programs”).
University of Hawaii System Scholarships
UH System Scholarships are open to students who are admitted as a regular student attending any of the ten campuses of the UH System. For more information, visit tuition/scholarships/.
Other Scholarships
Other tuition scholarships for residents and nonresidents are awarded to classified students who participate in special programs and/or meet criteria set by colleges or schools. Contact the specific department for details.
The tuition scholarship program is subject to change by the Board of Regents.
A grant is a type of federal, state, or institutional financial aid that does not have to be repaid. Usually, these awards are based on financial need.
UH Opportunity Grants
UH Opportunity Grants are awarded annually to qualified undergraduate and graduate students who qualify on the basis of financial need as determined by the FAFSA available at the Financial Aid Services office.
Federal Pell Grant
This award to undergraduate students is based solely on financial need as determined by federal methodology. The amount received depends on the degree of need and schedule of awards as determined by the federal government. FAFSA required. Eligibility for the Pell Grant is limited to 12 full-time semesters. Contact the Financial Aid Services office for details.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
This award is provided to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need who are also eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. FAFSA required. Contact the Financial Aid Services office for details.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
For undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education who intend to teach full-time in high need subject areas for at least four years at schools that serve students from low-income families. Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Other Grants
Students are encouraged to contact a reference librarian at the nearest college for other publications listing grants for students. For additional information on these and other grants, check with the Financial Aid Services office or specific departments.
A financial aid package based on demonstrated financial need may include a long-term, low-interest federal or state loan. Repayment of these loans begins after a student graduates, withdraws from school, or drops to less than half-time.
Federal Direct Loans. These loans, the Federal Direct Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized), the Federal Direct PLUS Loans for parents of undergraduate dependent students, and the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan for graduate students are available through the U.S. Department of Education. Interest accrued may be subsidized by the federal government, depending on the degree of financial need. FAFSA required. Contact the Financial Aid Services office for details.
State Higher Education Loan. This loan is available to bona fide residents of the state of Hawai’i who demonstrate financial need. FAFSA required.
Short-Term, Emergency Loans. These institutional loans are designed to meet temporary or emergency financial needs of registered students. Contact the Financial Aid Services office, the Graduate Student Organization, or specific departments.
Other Loans. Students are encouraged to exhaust all other possible sources of financial aid first, including federal loans. For additional information on other loan programs, check with the Financial Aid Services office, UH Foundation, or specific departments.
The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program enables students to meet part of their financial need through part-time employment. The program is funded by the federal government with matching funds from UH Manoa. Employment may be on or off campus with nonprofit organizations. FWS earnings are not calculated as income when applying for financial aid.
Generally, students are provided the work-study program as a part of their financial aid package. The Manoa Career Center coordinates the work-study program. Job opportunities are available in many fields and require skills ranging from entry-level to highly technical. Community service jobs are also available, including tutoring positions in the America Reads and Math Counts Challenge. For further information, see the “Student Life” section of this Catalog.
Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of Financial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress. To be eligible for federal, state, and specific institutional aid programs, you must meet all three Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards regardless of whether you have received financial aid previously. For more information, visit fas/policies/sap.php.
GPA Standard. Maintain minimum grade point average (GPA) standards. Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or as required by the student’s specific program of study. Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or as required by the student’s specific program of study. The cumulative GPA includes all courses attempted by degree level at UH Manoa. Students on academic suspension are not eligible for financial aid.
Pass Rate Standard. Students must pass at least 67% of all credit hours attempted during the academic year at UH Manoa. Measurement of each student’s pass rate will occur at the completion of each spring semester. Grades of W, F, I, NG, and repeated courses are not considered to be adequate grades for completion.
Maximum Credit Hour Standard. Undergraduate students must complete their undergraduate degree with less than 180 attempted credit hours (e.g., 150% above the 120 minimum credits for a baccalaureate degree). Master’s program students must complete their degree within 4-10 semesters based on the minimum number of credits required. Doctoral students must complete their degree within 14 semesters (includes master’s degree credits). All courses you register for or transfer to UH Manoa are included in the maximum credit hour standard.
Enrollment Status for Recipients of Financial Aid
Courses that do not count toward a student’s degree cannot be used to determine enrollment status for financial aid purposes. Students may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course one additional time.
Graduate Assistantships
UH Manoa offers assistantships to graduates of accredited institutions of higher learning who have satisfactory scholastic records, an adequate undergraduate background in the major program, and evidence of a high level of English proficiency. Graduate assistants, chosen on a competitive basis, serve as part-time teaching or research assistants. A graduate assistant must be enrolled in a classified master’s or doctoral graduate program (see Master’s Degree programs and Doctor of Philosophy programs). Graduate certificate, PBU (post-baccalaureate unclassified), law, medicine, Shidler College of Business (master’s only) students are not eligible for graduate assistantships. All graduate assistants must be registered for and must complete at least 6 credit hours of degree-related course work each semester, while holding the assistantship. Moreover, they must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to continue in the position. The maximum course load typically is 9 credit hours. The period of service for each year for teaching assistants is typically from two weeks prior to the beginning of instruction through spring commencement; research assistants normally serve for 11 months. Graduate assistants are awarded tuition exemptions, but they are not exempt from the general fees, special course fees listed in the Catalog, and the Graduate Student Organization fee. Applications should be sent to the chair of the appropriate department before February 1. Each application must be accompanied by three letters of recommendation from former professors or employers.
Information on assistantships and application forms may be requested from the chair of the appropriate graduate program.
Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships
Applicants are advised that UH Manoa has joined the Council of Graduate Schools in approving the following resolution:
Acceptance of an offer of financial aid (such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship) for the next academic year by an actual or prospective graduate student completes an agreement that both student and graduate school expect to honor. In those instances in which the student accepts the offer before April 15 and subsequently desires to withdraw, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made. Similarly, an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previously accepted offer.
Graduate Division has available general information on fellowship competitions open to American graduate students and administered by outside foundations or agencies. For application purposes, it is important to distinguish between (1) those awards made directly by the sponsoring agency to individual students and administered by an institution, and (2) those awards made by the sponsoring agency to an institution to be awarded, in turn, to students for study at the specific institution.
Awards in the first category are generally made by national organizations and allow students to choose their institution of affiliation. Applications are submitted by students to the sponsor, usually in early fall preceding the year graduate study is to begin. The National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships program is an example.
Awards in the second category, which vary in source from federal to local, include a large number of programs. At UH Manoa, nominations for these awards are generally made by the graduate programs that are eligible. In some cases (e.g., Fulbright awards), the student may apply through Graduate Division. Students are urged to exercise their initiative to explore the various possibilities. Initial inquiries should be directed to the chair of the program.
Information on fellowships is available by checking the following website: content/fellowships-scholarships.