Individualized directed readings and/or research in mental health and psychiatry under the supervision of an instructor. Open to non-majors. Repeatable up to four times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
7-week basic psychiatry clerkship. Repeatable one time. Pre: third-year standing.
Year-long clerkship in ambulatory setting, including knowledge, skills, attitudes for assessment, diagnosis, and management of psychiatric problems in medical practice, inpatient, and emergency room settings. Emphasis on development and application of psychosocial cultural formulations in all areas of psychiatric and medical practice. Repeatable two times. MD majors only. Pre: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisites: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PEDS, SURG 532 and SURG 535.
Senior medical student elective providing advanced instruction on the theory and methods of mental health research as well as supervised participation in an assigned research project in the Department of Psychiatry. (B) adult inpatient PSTY; (C) child PSTY; (D) forensic PSTY; (E) journal editing; (F) community mental health; (G) PSTY aspects of OBGN, PED, MED, SURG; (H) sub-internship in adult PSTY; (I) substance abuse; (J) PSTY aspects of rehab medicine; (K) PSTY aspects of SURG; (M) PSTY consult liaison; (N) post-traumatic stress disorder; (O) extramural elective in PSTY; (Q) geriatric PSTY; (R) rural child PSTY; (S) public and rural PSTY; (T) mental health research. CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532, and fourth-year standing.
To see how various philosophies and religions have tackled the question, “why is there suffering in the world?” Read short excerpts from “classic” texts and discuss in a welcoming atmosphere and draw own conclusions. Medical students only. CR/NC only. (Fall only)
Pre: consent.