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Obstetrics & Gynecology

OBGN 531 7-Week OB/GYN Clerkship (10)

7-week basic obstetric/gynecology clerkship. Repeatable one time. Pre: third year standing.

OBGN 532 Obstetrics and Gynecology Longitudinal Clerkship (5)

Year-long clerkship in outpatient setting, covering assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and/or management of common gynecologic problems and normal and complicated pregnancies. Emphasis on prevention and health maintenance. Repeatable two times. Pre: third-year standing, and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisite: FMCH, MED, PED, PSTY, and SURG 632.

OBGN 545 (Alpha) Electives in OB/GYN (V)

Opportunities for advanced study of selected topics. (B) labor and delivery; (C) outpatient clinic at Queen’s; (D) Sub-internship in family planning; (E) high-risk OB; (F) endocrinology; (G) oncology; (H) topics with individual preceptor; (I) extramural electives; (J) urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery. Repeatable twice for each alpha. CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532.

OBGN 599 Directed Reading/Research (3)

Pre: consent.